Lexis In The Sky - Chapter 9

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  • Dedicado a Grape's- yes, I'm running out of idea's...

 Hello my dears, I just want to say. Thanks and *tear rolls down face* I love you GUYS!...Awkward. Unscheduled emotional outburst. Thanks for reading and for voting, and commenting...539 Views!!! You made it happen. Give yourself a tap on the back.

Chapter 9


I woke up, some of pervious tiredness gone. I hadn't been active for a full day in weeks. First- depressed about Lexis, in bed all the time. Then, hospital with Jace- I felt pain in my heart at the thought of him. I buried my head in my pillow, I reluctantly looked at the clock. 8:00. Damn it. I forgot to set my alarm! I had a quick shower and pulled on white mini shorts, for lack of options. I pulled on a black t-shirt and grabbed Jace's jumper from the clean pile of clothes. I grabbed a granola bar and ran out of the house.

School passed slow enough for me to wish I was stupid enough to find it a challenge. At least in English I could watch Mr Hills. If English wasn't already my favourite class, we'd have a new winner. I packed my History book up, and ran to class room 5 which was one hut over. I thought I would be first. But voices stopped me, one the sexy smooth voice of Mr Hills. The other, was the whinny tone of that sluttly girl. "But, I've got a class." Mr hills said.

"Yeah, me, and some other people. We could skip class and you can teach me some moves." The slutty girl said. I decided to save Mr Hills from the evil clutches of a horny teen. I walked in, with head down. A sat at the back and listened to music while others filled the class. "Right, we are going to change the seating plan." The class complained, Mr Hills mocked there whinny voices. "But I wanna sit beside him cause he get's all the right answers, great now I'm gonna fail." Laughter erupted. "Now, class. I was thinking since where going a Romeo and Juliet play, we should sit beside our partners for the rest of the year." He continued. "So when I call out your name, I'll point to a seat, that will be where you sit. No exceptions. Tom and Katie. John and Jamie", poor Jamie this John was asleep most of our last class. "Mark and Dora." Dora turned out to be the sluttly girl, Dora didn't seem the right name for her. "Liam and Alexis."

I stood up and, grabbing my bag, took a seat in the assigned place. I held a sigh, a whole year of sitting next to jerk-rugby player Liam. Some of the other popular boys whistled or said things like, 'wow, dude try to keep your hands off that stunner' sarcastically. I dipped my head lower. To hang out with people like that, he must be a jack-ass. I scolded myself- 'don't judge so easily'. "Hey, why do you where that hood- you ugly or something?" Um...Yep jack-ass.

Liam's POV

Dora ditched me for lunch. Again. I swear it might be a good thing she's moving school. I'm not sure why, but we've been going out for about a year. On and off- mainly off. And I'd never admit to her how many times I cheated on her. I'd admitted it to my boys, of course. They keep my reputation up. The handsome, the rich, the player. The one and only, Liam Marks.

I walked into class, remembering the Romeo and Juliet project. Someone I wouldn't usually hang out with? Probably some girl whose head-over-heels-in-love-with-me, that I haven't looked twice at. I could make her do all the work- I didn't need to give her a hand in work, but a few kisses. A+ guaranteed. Dora, who was sitting on my lap, got up and sat next to Mark- a workaholic. Lucky. "Liam and Alexis." Who? The name didn't ring a bell. I looked at the new girl in the too-big-jumper. I watched as she walked to her seat- next to my new chair. She wore short shorts, and I noticed a pair of hot legs...she was slim. I turned to her, and asked. "Hey, why do you where that hood- you ugly or something?" I groaned to myself. I had to pass English. My dad would kill me if I didn't. And I just insulted the only way of me succeeding, maybe she had a facial disfigurement. Plus, I couldn't see her face- so I couldn't see the damage done. So I reached up and was gonna pull her hood down but she must of saw my hand 'cause she flinched away. Well that was new, no girl ever flinched from me.

"Rule one: don't touch the hood." She said sternly, I smirked in return.

"And are there any other rules?" I questioned jokingly.

"Yes." Her voice rang with confidence.

"What?" I wasn't expecting her to answer.

"I haven't decided what yet- but when I know, you'll know." She said without looking at me, she was witty. I preparing my amazing response, but was interrupted by Mr Hills.

"Now," he said while handing out the script version of Romeo and Juliet. "I want you to read the play out to each other, then write up a report on your views on the relationship, between Romeo and Juliet." He smiled. "This report counts for one-third of your grade. Also counts towards you oral report, so I'll be watching you."

Halfway through the lesson, I'm reaching boiling point. That stupid hood is stopping me form seeing her face, and I can't read her reactions. I'm so going to fail. "That's it." I said, leaving the character of Romeo. I couldn't tell if she looked confused. Frustrating.

"What?" She sounded confused. I think.

"I can't read your expression, I can't act properly." I seethed.

"Well, than maybe you need acting classes." Alexis said coldly. I attempted to pull her hood off. "Get away from me!" She said loudly enough to call the attention of the entire class and teacher.

"What's going on?" He asked concerned. I looked at us from his perspective. Me reaching out to a girl who just screamed 'Get away from me!'

"She won't take her jumper off." I said, then cursed myself. That sounded bad. And worse of all Alexis ran out of the class. Leaving me as the perverted guy who tried to touch some girl I just meet. One of my so called mates called out.

"Yo, dude. I was kidding about that whole keeping your hands to your self thing." The class laughed. There laughter stained my reputation. I growled as I thought, 'Alexis, you are sooo dead.'


Reading my lines again was boring enough, without having some idiotic fool, for company. "That's it!" Liam growled.

"What?" I questioned, I wasn't doing anything wrong. In fact he was a little off with the emotions.

"I can't read your expression, I can't act properly." He sounded pissed off.

"Well, than maybe you need acting classes." I said, not wanting to admit my guilt. I couldn't take down my hood. In my inner-babble, I almost didn't notice the hand reaching over. I flipped out. "Get away from me!" I yelled, picturing Lexis's face mirrored in his eyes.

"What's going on?" The teacher asked confused. I could barely hear him, lost in images of my face in his eyes, changing into the broken face of Lexis's after the crash. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the class, and hid in the theatre to cry in peace. I say 'peace' but I mean, locked in my imagination- showing me pictures that makes hell a walking the park.


Oh, a new guy! I just about to get to a good bit. Can't wait.

I'm a soo ill. I caught a really bad flu D: .

My mom's mad at me. The thing is ever since I was young I thought 'If I get someone else sick, I'll get better.'  And so every time I'm ill I go round hugging people.

Mom was like 'Sorry, I can't hug you, I might get sick as well. Wait a second.' Busted. 'Do you want me to get sick or something?'

...yes. 'No, course not!'

I also think I'm dying. I know I'm not but I can't stand pain. 'Mommy, remember I love you!'

...'Your not dying, you've got the same flu I had a week ago!' My flu is worse.

'Mommy, your stronger than me. Your old, I can't die, I have so much more to see of this world.' mom-*rolls eyes and leaves* 'No Mommy don't leave me!!'

My friends over the phone (3 person convocation) are like- 'are you sure I can't get you anything. Or can I come over?' Evil thought - If I get one of them sick then...

'Yeah, come over.' ...I'm a terrible person...

'Come on, man up...seriously.' other -less sympathetic friend-

So yeah still haven't gotten anyone else sick yet...sigh. By the way If I die- avenge my death. Thanks...

Lexis In The SkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora