pov: big bird fucking vores you

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   You were walking down the sidewalk going nowhere in particular. You were just trying to get used to the new area. You had just moved here, hoping for a new beginning. You're old home wasn't the best environment and you were happy to have gotten away. You found a small coffee shop on you way and decided to stop there. You order a latte and take a seat. After a few moments, you pull out your phone and text your best friend, Danny.

Danny: Y/N! How's the new area?

You: It's pretty nice here. I found a coffee shop, it's so beautiful.

Danny: Wish I could b there! :((

You: Me too.

   Your coffee is served and you drink up. Once you finish, you head back home. But, it didn't feel the same. You felt like you were being followed. Not a while later, you stop near an alleyway. It was pitch black out, but you could see it clear as day. Those ruffled yellow feathers covered in dark red stains. That overly sharp beak. Those rows of razor sharp teeth. You felt like you could shit your pants but you also felt... drawn to this... thing. It was luring you in and... you liked it. This thing was so, so handsome. So, dare you say, beautiful. You move closer and it moves closer to you. Soon enough, you're only inches away. It's so tall, you think. Just your type. The thing finally speaks to you. The voice was squeaky but you didn't care. 

  "I'm Big Bird." Oh, what a fitting name. So amazing.

  "I'm Y/N," you say, breathlessly.

   Suddenly, Big Bird unhinges its jaw. You find the scene so incredibly erotic you orgasm on the spot. Then, Big Bird eats you whole. You can finally be one with your true love. But, Big Bird didn't love you like you loved him. He shit you out on a bush later. You then got sucked into the earth and cried for the rest of your days. 

                                                                                 THE END.

Title credit: My best friend.

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