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"Im sorry about your parents." Matt said to Elena. It was her parents funeral. Flowers bloomed from afar and candles were lit. The whole town had turned out for this tragedy. The Gilberts were well known in Mystic Falls and everyone mourned their death.
"Its okay. Im glad I at least have you." She said with a smile but then that smile turned into a frown and then she started crying."Why them Matt?Why them?Why am I still alive but they arent?" He comforted her and gave her a hug. She really needed the comfort from her best friend.
"Hey. Be lucky that you are alive. I dont know what I would do without you." She smiled at his comment and pulled apart from the hug just as Caroline had come over.
"Your Aunt Jenna needs to speak to you about the living arangements."
She nodded her head and waved to Matt and walked off. She turned round to see Caroline kissing Matt. And Matt was kissing her back. She ran out the door and into the street.
Thats when she heard the car horn...
And everything went black...

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