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A/N: Haha XXC coming up next chapter!

Xue Yang shook off the cold feeling and placed his hand on his throbbing head. He slowly smiled and tried to regain a little bit of control over his emotions. It was like trying to put a lid on a boiling pot of water: it might stop the water for a while, but in the end it's your own hand that gets burned. But Xue Yang's hand had already been burned so many times, so what's once more?

Xue Yang jumped back into his seat and laid back, already prepared for the show that was coming next. 

"Don't be in such a hurry, not even I'm that hurried. You can tell me if you need anything," Jin GuangYao said. He seemed to pause for a second, his brows scrunching, as if trying to remember something. After only a moment, his face relaxed and he pulled something out of his sleeves.

Xue Yang sat up and scanned his eyes over the sheets of paper Jin GuangYao pulled out, his breath silently hitching. These were Wei WuXian''s manuscripts, the things that he had failed to even get close to in his past life, and doesn't have the heart for anymore in this one. He sat up, trying to fake the excitement in his eyes, even though the dread in his heart had already taken over. This time, he wanted to walk the straight path and not end up alone like he was last time. It wasn't too late, was it?

"Wei WuXian's manuscripts?"

Jin GuangYao, "That's right."

Xue Yang snatched over the manuscripts and quickly flipped through them, his eyes scanning over the familiar words.

"Are these really his? The ones he wrote when he was nineteen?" 

Jin GuangYao, "Of course. Everyone fought so hard for these, so I had to go through quite a hassle to retrieve them."

Xue Yang was tired of talking, so he just squeezed out one last sentence as he stuffed the papers in his sleeve. He was probably going to burn them later. 

"I'm keeping these and taking them back to my room."

Jin GuangYao raised an eyebrow.

"What, are you not excited? What's wrong with you today, you seem like a completely different person."

Xue Yang's body jerked up. Was he really this bad at acting?

"What do you mean, I'm fine!"

Xue Yang knew that he wasn't fine. He glanced down at his hands. His skin was just slightly too pale and his voice just a little too bitter.

Jin GuangYao chuckled and said:

"I don't know how to say it, but you seem really distracted." Jin GuangYao paused, as if contemplating his next sentence. "And you just don't seem like Xue Yang at all. You seem a whole lot..nicer."

Xue Yang tried to pretend that he didn't care, rolling his eyes and putting his hands behind his head.

"Haha, really, a lot nicer?" Xue Yang snickered before erupting into full blown laughter. "Please, your jokes are the best, tell more!" Xue Yang shouted every time he could catch his breath in between fits of laughter.

Jin GuangYao seemed to loosen a bit, seeing that Xue Yang returned back to "normal." After laughing for several minutes, Xue Yang also quieted down. Internally, Xue Yang sighed a sigh of relief.

So he really didn't notice. Haha, turns out my acting isn't so bad after all.

Jin GuangYao turned around and sat down at the table once again, his hand propping up his head, as if he was bored. At this time, two young Lanling Jin sect disciples, their light yellow robes stained with blood, dragged a man into the square.

ALL I HAVE LEFT. (XUEXIAO)Where stories live. Discover now