November 24th, 2003

83 10 30

Yes, that is a picture Jack has of me as a baby.
Yes, I was that small at 4 weeks old. Any other preemies here?
Lemme know.


My baby sister was born today, but we lost Mama. I just couldn't believe it. It all happened so fast.

Jack, go to your room now. Stay there until I call you out, Pa told me when I saw Mama crying and screaming.

Pa? What's going on? What's wrong with Mama? Is the baby okay? I asked, scared for my Mama and baby sibling.

Mama's having the baby early. I need to help her, Pa said, please, son, stay in your room until I come for you.

Yes, Pa, I said, tears in my eyes.

I ran to my room and cried for her, praying to God that she would be okay. I don't know how long it was until Pa brought me to see my baby sister in my Mama's arms.

J-Jack.....come here, Mama said, softly. I could hear how she was trying to talk. I went over to her and kissed her cheek. She gave me a small smile as she cried.

Take care of your sister. She needs you, she said.

Yes, Mama, I said and held her hand. Pa took my baby sister and held her close.

I will always love little....Jack Kelly, Mama said, smiling at me with her soft, warm hand on my cheek.

I'll always love you, Mama, I said, tears in my eyes as I held her hand on my cheek. Mama smiled at me softly.

Pa got down and kissed her forehead as he cried. I never saw my Pa cry.

I'll always love you, my darling Beth, he said.

And I will always be proud to call you my husband, Jacob, Mama cried. Pa hugged her and I heard Mama gasp softly before Pa let her go and laid her down, covering her with the blanket.

Mama was still. Real still.

Pa cried.

My sister cried.

I started to cry when I knew why they were.

Mama was gone. As Pa said, She's with God now in the arms of the angels.

Elizabeth, Pa said, looking at my sister in his arms, she will carry on your mother's name.

Elizabeth Andromeda Kelly. My baby sister, Lizzy.

I promise I'll always be there for you, little sister.

I love you so much.

Pa loves you a lot, too.

I know Mama does, too, and she always will. You are her baby girl after all.

I, Jackson and Elizabeth KellyWhere stories live. Discover now