Chapter 1: The Past

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I was only 5 years old at this time. It was spring, May 7th almost summer. My mother called out to me to get ready. I ran to my room and my grandmother dressed me. I was in a frilly collared shirt with puffy long sleeves. My grandmother gave me shorts to wear too, they were light brown and comfortable. I went to the bathroom to comb my white silky hair. I did most of my stuff without my mom but with my grandmother because my mother was sick and was in a wheelchair. She said she's going to change everything by going to this place, I didn't know what she meant but I obeyed. Once I was done getting ready I walked my way to the front door to the car which my father drives. My father loved my mother but hated me for being alive. He always thought I'd be the perfect son, but I'm not. I'm an ordinary boy, but my mother strongly disagrees, she said that I'm special and I will know soon. It didn't make sense but I just followed along to what she had said. I got into the car helping my mother getting off her wheel chair and into the car as well. I thought why didn't father help mother? My mother had told me that my father loves her very much but it didn't seem like it. Once mother got into the car she started coughing because of my father's smoke.
"Now, now son please put away that cigarette, it's hurting your wife." My grandmother said. He scoffed and threw it out the window.
"Well have a safe trip all of you! Yumaki take care of your mother while you're gone ok?" Grandmother said. I nodded and hugged my mother. My father started the car onto the rode. We were near a forest, some say that people get lost in there the minute they get inside because of how big it is. The forest is also super scary, it gave me a bad feeling. The drive was long and tiring, my mother kept looking out the window in a sad expression. It made me sad when I see my mother sad, so I gave her gentle and light hug. She twitched and looked at me changing her expression to a smile. I smiled too. I was happy to be with my mother. Suddenly the car stopped and my father went out first and went ahead without us. We were in somewhere colorful, something I've never seen before. I got off the car to help my mother to her wheelchair. I carefully helped my mother get out of her seat and down the steps to her wheelchair. It would've been helpful if father helped us. After mother took a seat on her wheelchair she gently lifted my hand and tapped me lightly on the shoulder as a notification that she's ready. I got off the car step and pushed my mother's wheelchair to the colorful place.
"This is called a flower field Yumaki, it's my favorite place because of all the flowers." My mother said.
"Flowers?" I questioned in curiosity. My mother looked at me and nodded.
"I know we didn't teach you what flowers are, but flowers are what you are seeing right now." My mother explained. My eyes widened seeing such beauty.
"Mother, do we have books about these flowers?" I asked. My mother looked down.
"We don't have them in the library but I have one big book full of all kinds of flowers! It's under my bed in a butterfly box." My mother said. My eyes where filled with happiness.
"Can I read it?" I asked in excitement. My mother smiled happily.
"Of course." I leaned a little bit and gave my mother a small kiss on the cheek.
"Can we read it together mother? I feel the most happy when I'm with mother!" I said. My mother's eyes were tearing up in happiness and nodded gently. I used a handkerchief I had with me to wipe my mother's tears. We then got to the middle of the flower field under a nice shady tree. I got out a book and started reading it out loud to my mother. We were happy together. I didn't know where father was, I thought he just went out to explore this beautiful place.
"I think you should explore a little bit Yumaki. It's full of wonders to go out and learn new things!" My mother told me. I looked back at her sad.
"Why can't I stay here with mother? Wouldn't mother be lonely?" I asked. My mother shook her head.
"I'll be fine Yumaki, this is finally the chance for you to learn new things. I also want you to remember this time where you saw something as beautiful as this." My mother explained.
"But mother is more beautiful, I want to stay with mother so she won't get lonely!" I said sadly.
"Yumaki, I want you to explore. Can you do that for me?" My mother said gently. I nodded. I left her alone and went to explore. I saw many things while exploring, I say purple and blue flowers that were weirdly shaped. I also found a tree with drooping purple flowers that looks like falling rain clumped together. I twirled around and saw a butterfly. It was a yellow butterfly that matched my eyes. I fell down to the soft flowers underneath me and looked up at the sky. It was getting cloudy soon, I could see that there were clouds covering the sky. There was a storm coming. I left mother for 29 minutes. I was scared so I ran back to her to get her back to the car where I think father might be at. I ran to the tree, father was there. I wondered if they were waiting for me. I ran faster in a happy expression. Once I got there I took a few breathes because I was running too fast. I was behind father with his back towards me and clenching his knuckles.
"Father?" I asked.
My father had slapped me. My eyes widened. I was speechless.
"You fool." My father said in a serious voice like he was mad.
"Wh-what?" I asked tearing up my eyes from the slap.
"Look at what you have done!" Yelled my father. I peeked out of his side and there it is. I saw it.
Mother was dead.

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