Chapter 2: Meeting You

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It's 8:00 am in the morning. I skipped school to go to the field like everyday. The tree was still the same except for the color, it was orange and yellow. I don't look at the calendar, but I can tell what season and day it is by looking at the trees and flowers. I laid down under the tree and took a nap like the usual. It was calm. It's so quiet. Maybe too quiet. The breeze brushed my white hair and leaves fell down around me. I closed my eyes and remembered everything from the past.
I hear something right now. Someone's talking to me? Like my mother's warm embrace.
"Silly, why would I be your mother?" A soft nice voice asked. The voice sounded like a girl's, such a beautiful voice.
I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. I see a blurry figure above me.
"Hey, why are you crying?" She said.
I steady myself to clear the figure. I rubbed my eyes a bit. And she was right, I was crying. I wiped the tears and looked at the figure. It was a girl. Not any girl but a high school girl from the school I go to. I looked at her staring deeply. She looked like my mother, the beautiful aura, the hair color, the beauty of her face.
"Um...... is there something on my face?" She asked nervously. I blinked out of day dreaming.
"Sorry, you remind me so much like my mom." I said quietly. She smiled.
"Your mother must have been a great person then!" She said.
"Don't flatter yourself." I said. She pouted like a tsundere. She reached out her hand.
"My name is Angie! Nice to meet you!" She said proudly. I ignored her hand and got up from the nice shady tree.
"My name is Yumaki Riomi. And may I ask what are you doing here?" I asked. She looked surprised.
"Well I came here to pick some flowers because they look absolutely beautiful!" She explained.
"This place isn't for picking flowers, so go home." I said. She pouted again.
"Why are you so rude? Why are you here anyways then?" She asked. I looked down at how short she was.
"This is my property where I relax and remember my past."
She looked at me full of curiosity, "What do you remember about your past here?"
"That's none of your business." I said. She looked at my uniform and gasped.
"You go to the same school I go to! But I never see you around before." She exclaimed. I looked away.
"I skip school to come here, why else am I here and you don't see me?" I explained.
"You shouldn't skip school that's bad! Where do you get your education from?" She asked.
"My private tutor at my mansion." I said. Her face was full of shock.
"What? How rich are you?" She asked.
"Who knows?"
"Hmph!" She pouted for the third time.
"Anyways shouldn't you be at school?" I asked.
"Hm? Oh school ended an hour ago." She said. Guess like I haven't been looking at the sky for the time.
It is 4:09. The time when I met you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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