Chapter 5

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Promise screamed , but I ran and closed her mouth . We can hear the creaking sound of wood above us . A another piercing sound came from one of the creatures . We heard them leave. " We can talk now ", Mom said . I sighed in relief . " We are almost out of food ", Saren said . "It's only been one day", Emarak said. " I was not able to get enough food for us ", Saren said . "How can we get more food ? The basement door is sealed ",I said . I looked at the window . " Give me a boost ", I said . Atticus lifted me and I went through the window.

I saw the sky it was grey . I saw bodies of men, women , and even children . I gasped and cried a little . I quietly crept to the broken front door . I went to the kitchen , but there stood the creature facing the other way . I gasped , but the creature turned around slowly . It started growling and hissing. It ran towards me and was holding it's sword in it's claw. I ran as fast as I could , but when I turned around I hit myself in the corner of the house . I had nowhere to go! The creature found me in the corner and walked towards me . I closed my eyes .

I heard a sound . My hand started to burn . I opened my eyes and saw my hand . It was becoming brighter and brighter . I looked at the creature as if I was not scared . I put my hand toward the creature . The creature was very close to where I was . I pushed my hand and a bright ray of light hit the creature and exploded. I sighed , but it started glowing again . A huge ray of light came and I couldn't control it . My arm went up to the sky . It cut through the house roof. It was like a beacon of light , but Atticus pushed me to the ground . My hand went down and the light vanished . Smoke came out of my hand . I ripped a piece of my skirt and wrapped it around my hand . But when that light was shone , the creatures started screaming louder and louder . We ran upstairs and looked at the window . I saw an army of creatures running toward our house . "What have I done .........."

Hello fellow person ! Thanks for reading chapter 5 . Chapter 6 is coming soon . Vote\Comment\ Smile and also read my other book FairyTales ! I'll mAke a better book cover for you guys ! Ok guys I'll see you later my fellow marshfollowers I'll see you later ! Wait.. Why do I call you marshfollowers ? Because your sweet ❤️ awwwwwwwwwwwww. Ikr I'm so sweet !

Joke of the day : Why did the chicken cross the road ?
Answer : to go to chick fil a

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