Chapter:11 Preparing For Battle

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The next day ......

I've been staying in the new house for three days. I didn't know a lot about Octavian and Keen' s past history .
I told Octavian I had powers , but he does not believe me. I haven't told Keen or Promise yet . Only Atticus knows .I stood at the garden looking at the burning trees. Today was gloomy and foggy . No one was awake , but me . Or as I thought .

I've been fighting with Keen when I arrived at the house .
Keen gave me a push .
Keen clenched his fist and punched me with all his might .
I punched him back.
I was getting dizzy from the punch of Keen's.
I continued to punch him .
Blood was coming out from my nose .
" What's going on ? ", said a shadowy figure .
The figure opened the door .
It was Nova .

When I opened the door , I saw Keen grabbing Octavian 's shirt and was punching him over and over .
Octavian looked weak and was covered in blood.
"STOP IT GUYS !", I yelled.
Keen didn't stop .
I quickly went towards them and tried to break them up ,but Keen pushed me to the wall.
I gave a slight moan. I was in pain . He pushed me really hard . But I didn't pass out .
I need to break them apart, but I don't want to hurt Keen. If I use my powers I would kill him . I had to use it . I got up and put my one of my fingers to Keen's back neck . My finger bursted with light and his skin it started to sizzle. He screamed and dropped Octavian . I removed my finger and looked at the back of his neck . Ouch it was red and pussy . I felt really bad for him , but I had no choice .
"WHO DID THAT ", Keen yelled .
No one talked.
"WHATS GOING ON !",Atticus yelled. He opened the door and saw Octavian bloody and weak . And Keen's burn he had in the back of his neck.
He looked at me and gave me a look to take care of Octavian .

I ran to look for bandages . I opened every single cabinet, closet, and drawer , but I couldn't find any . I found pieces of cloth in the bathroom . I grabbed them and I came to Octavian . He was unconscious . I wiped the blood from his face . I asked Atticus to lay him down on the bed . He had a bloody nose and a swollen face . I put the wet cloth on his face and dabbed them slowly. I kissed him in the forehead and left .I took a glanced at Keen. He was lying on the ground crying in pain. I knelt down near him and patted his head. I helped him get up and took care of his burn .
"Ouch",he said.
"Sowwy ",I said.
" It's not that bad of a burn. You'll live ", I said .
" Thanks doc ", he giggled .
I laughed .
He faced towards me and stared at me . His blue eyes were looking at me . I looked down and blushed. He stood up quickly scratching his head and left the room.


Why was he staring at me ? I gave up thinking about it and I went where Octavian laid. I held his hand and I laid next to him . Revenge and mercy were fighting each other in my heart . I also had a love towards Octavian . I cared about him very much . I hugged him until he woke up .

He woke up and gave a moan .I got up and smiled . " Hi ", I said . "Hey ", he said in a soft voice . He tried to get up , but I told him you shouldn't . I went to the kitchen to get some food for him . There stood Keen making food . He patted me on the head . And gave me a smile . " Can I have some food for Octavian ",I asked . " I'll give it to him ", he said . He brought the food to Octavian and asked me to leave.


"Hey", I said .
I gave him the bowl of soup .
" Thanks", he said .
He looked mad at me . It was quiet for a moment , until I spoke.
"I'm sorry for hurting you ", I said
" It's okay ", he said with a small grin .
" You can come now , Nova ", I said .
She peeped out of the door and sat on the bed .
"I'll leave you two ", I said .

Back to Nova.
" Are you feeling better ", I asked . "Yup. I'm feeling better", he said . The door flew opened and there stood Atticus . " We are preparing for BATTLE!!!!! ", he screamed . " GET ALL YOUR BUTTS UP AND MEET AT THE KITCHEN ", he yelled . I helped Octavian get up and we walked to the kitchen . Promise was by
Atticus 's side looking like a soldier . " You three go find weapons , while I watch Promise ", he said . Keen had a confused look and asked, " Why can't Nova watch Promise?" Atticus said , " Just follow my orders ."

We got ready and left the house . Keen and Octavian hid , while I walked in the open . I heard screaming coming closer to me . A girl was running for her life . She was being chased by the Silence. I need to save her . I quickly used my powers . One by one the Silence fell , but It was to late . She was stabbed in the back by that blade . I killed all of them and ran towards her. She was alive , fighting to live . I held her hand . I didn't know this girl , but she had kind eyes . She was about my age , but shorter than me . " Whats your name ", I asked . Trying to let her ignore the pain .

" An..dromemeda ", she stuttered . She held my hand tighter . She screamed in pain . " Hey , hey ", I said in a soft voice . She looked at me with tears in her eyes . I knew she would die soon . " Am... I ....going to ?" She asked . " No, no , your going to live ." I lied . She made a faint smile . " How old are you ", I asked. " 15 ", she said. She slowly was closing her eyes. "How many siblings do you have ", I asked . " I'm..... The o.n.l..y ....child." I put her head in my lap and stroked her head .
"Your going to be ok ", I said . Blood was staining my clothes and my hands . She looked up at me and smiled . Her smile fainted and she died . Her eyes were open . I slowly shut her eyes and got up . Octavian and Keen quickly came to me and saw the blood. " What happened ", he asked. " A friend died ", I said. I asked both of them to put her in the dry grass . I knelt down and looked at her . Another person died . I kissed her forehead and left .

I looked at the stained blood in my hands . I quickly ran away to find water . I ran to a muddy puddle I found and washed my hands . The puddle turned red . I just looked at the puddle and remembered my mom , dad, Emarak , Saren , and the girl Andromeda . Flashbacks of them being killed came back in my head . I heard faint footsteps coming towards me . I didn't care if they were the Silience I just want to die and see my parents . It was Octavian and Keen running towards me . " Why did you run away ", Octavian asked . I acted bitter " I just did ", I said . " Anyways we need to find weapons come on ", I said. They nodded and we searched for weapons . We looked everywhere . Dead bodies were everywhere . So much blood on the ground we. I took a step and I stepped on a gun . I remember that gun .... Wait ...... That's .... Saren's gun .(chapter 3) I grabbed it . It was stained with blood . Where's her body ? They were bones and guts ( I'm sorry :( ) The Silence ate them ?

Why are there other bodies not eaten ? " Here ", I threw it to Keen . There were bullet shells on the ground . I grabbed them and gave it to Keen. We found a sword in a abandon shack . It was a long time looking at a sword . And we found a bow and arrow . The bow was in bad condition, but someone should make it better . We grabbed all of them and went towards home . We were ready for battle against the Silence.

Hey guys :) this was a long chapter wow :o thanks for reading . And from now on we are going to have a contest . O and I'm so sorry for not putting the joke of the day :( I promise to put it *holds pinky* And I'm sorry it's been a long time writing the chapter because I had test and quizzes . I will try to write a chapter every two days ;D .
Contest :
5 votes

I will put a dedication on the next chapter for commenting and voting :)
Yours truly Naomi :)
Byeeeeee 😀
About me : I am _ years old ( I'm not giving my age sorry, but i will soon. You'll be surprised. Jk maybe idk lol ) , but I love school . ( nerd !) yes , yes , I am one .
Another About me : I like pie ! And the math problem !
P.s : I will edit my book for you to read it clearly . Thanks for understanding .
Follow me on kik : TheProtector =^-^=( I changed it to The_Geek ! )

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