Chapter 1: The Bus Ride

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Charlie Magne groaned as she turned to her nightstand and slammed her hand against the dismiss button an her alarm. Nghhh. The princess hopped out of bed and headed to her vanity. "Well, guess I'll look my best for the first day." she said, brushing her blonde hair and styling it her favorite way. Now for her uniform. The dress code was set in a strange way; girls were to wear pink dresses with puffy sleeves, and boys were to wear pale yellow shirts with blue pants. Charlie never liked wearing dresses, more less a skirt. Sadly, being the princess of Hell didn't change the dress code guidelines. At least she would start junior year with her friends Vaggie and Angel again. The three were inseparable; the had known each other since they were little. "Charlie! Try to hustle, dear! The bus will be here soon to pick you up!" her mother called from downstairs. "Coming, Mom!" she responded. Backpack; check. Phone; check. Folders and binders; check. Pencil case; check. She quickly threw the objects in her backpack and ran downstairs. "Good morning, Apple Pie!" her father greeted when Charlie entered the kitchen.  "Hey, Dad!" she exclaimed giving him a kiss on the cheek, taking a seat at the table afterwards. Lillith came in momentarily holding a plate of waffles. "Morning, sweetheart. Made you your favorite, today" she said setting  the plate in front of Charlie. "Thanks, Mom!" she said, helping herself. A little after she finished, there was a honk outside. "Looks like I better get going, now. Bye!" the princess said grabbing her backpack. "Wait Charlie!" Lucifer said. She turned around, waiting to hear what he had to say. "Remember, kiddo; You don't take shit from other demons." he said with a grin. Charlie smiled. "Got it, Dad. Thanks." she said giving him a quick hug before she left. 

The bus was waiting outside, a light shade of red the color was. Charlie saw that the bus driver was lighting a cigarette after he opened the doors. After taking a puff, he turned and glared at the princess. "You comin' in or not?" he snapped. "Sorry, sir!" she said hurrying inside. Once she was in, Charlie noticed that there was a lot of people crowded in the back. The popular kids, you could say. Charlie was hesitant to choose her seat, until she heard and saw a pair of arms waving. "Over here, Charlie!" The demon belle grinned and ran over to where the pair of arms were waving. "Hey, Vag!" she said taking a seat next to her. "Hello to you, too!" Vaggie said smiling. "Angel's stop is next. In the meantime, what are your thoughts o starting junior year?" she asked. Charlie sighed. "I don't know, honestly. Seems like yesterday we were in kindergarten, and messing around with everyone. Now its second to last year of high school, and everyone is in a clique." The moth demon nodded her head. "I know, right? Nothing is fun anymore when you get older." The two were silent for a while, that is until something hit the back of Charlie's head. "Ow!" It was a crumpled piece of paper, and there was snickering coming from the back. Vaggie turned around and glared at The Von Eldritch siblings and their friend. "Go fuck yourselves and find something better to do, morons!" she yelled. Charlie opened the note, and inside said "Inside of every stupid dreamer is a loser." she threw it somewhere else and began tearing. Her friend gave her a hug. "Awww. Is the little rainbow demon crying?" Helsa teased. She and another demon named Velvet began laughing. "Don't listen to those assholes, hon." Vaggie said.

The bus took a stop, and in entered three spider demons. "Hey guys!" Angel called walking toward the seat in front of his friends along with Molly and Arackniss. "Hey, Angel." Vaggie said. Molly turned to face her brother's friends, and noticed Charlie's teary eyes. "You ok there, princess?" she asked. Angel took a closer look at Charlie. "Holy shit, what happened?!" he asked. "Helsa was just tormenting me, is all." she said quietly. Now it was Arackniss' turn to talk. "That's not ok, kid. Didn't Mr. Bus Driver notice?" Vaggie rolled her eyes. "Nope. All he's been doing was smoking a drinking. Why doesn't the school do anything about it, you know?" she said. "I agree. I just wanna beat her ass now." Molly said turning her head to the back of the bus. "A friend of  Angel's is a friend of mine." Charlie smiled. "Ok, we have one more stop then we'll drop you brats off." The bus driver called from the front of the bus. Molly turned and started talking to Arackniss, while Angel stayed talking to the moth demon and demon belle. "So I heard theres a new guy. Anyone know what he or she's like?" Vaggie asked. "I'm sorry were you talking to me?" Angel said batting his eyes. "My lord, Angel." Vaggie laughed. Charlie started singing. "Vaggie and Angel sittin' in a tree~" she started. "NO!" the moth demon said. "Toots, please don't." the spider demon pleaded. "K-i-s-s-i-n-g!" "Noooooo" Vaggie and Angel said, each being in a shade of red. The demon belle laughed. "I know you guys liked it." "Oh, hush!" Vaggie said giving her a playful shove. 

Just then, the bus took its final stop for pickup. "Guys, hush its the new student!" Angel said. Charlie turned her attention to the front of the bus.  A deer demon entered, with red hair and black streaks in it. He had small antlers and red eyes, wearing a toothy grin. I guess you could say it was love at first sight; that is if you were talking about the princess. "Oh ho ho!" Angel said. "I think princess here's in love!~"  Vaggie said. "Charlie turned with a red face. "I a-am not!" she said in a flustered way. Vaggie and Angel eyed each other, clearly saying, Yeah, she so is crushing on him. "Excuse me, dear. Is this seat taken?" a voice asked. Charlie turned and saw the new guy. "Oh! Um, no it isn't." she said scooting over. "Thank you, darling." he said taking the empty seat. "I'm Alastor." he said. "Nice to meet you! I'm Charlie." the princess said. "This is Vaggie, and this here is Angel!" the demon belle said introducing her friends. "He, there." What's up!" the replied.  "Excuse me, deer boy? Won't you like to come sit with us?" Helsa called from the back, twirling her hair around a finger. "No thank you." Alastor said. "Quick question" Charlie said "Is it ok if I call you Al? It would make it easier for me to remember." Al shrugged. "I don't see why not." he said with a smile. Charlie blushed. Suddenly, she got a text. I saw that. Totally ship it-Vaggie. Charlie looked at her friend. "Really, Vag?" The moth demon shrugged her shoulders. "What?" she asked innocently. The bus pulled up to a fancy gray building. "Ok, get outta here!" the bus driver said. Students started spilling out. The princess and her friends got out last. The school was fancier inside, portraits covered the walls and a crystal chandelier hung from above. "So, see you later?" Al asked. "Yeah, see you around." Charlie said. Angel leaned in close to Vaggie's ear. "I won't be surprised if that happens." he whispered. "For once, I actually agree with you." 

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