Chapter 2: The Fight

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"So what's your first period?"

Charlie opened her binder and took a look.  "Um, I have homeroom first! With... oh shoot." she said. "What's wrong?" Angel said taking a look at his schedule. "I got Killjoy. I heard she's the worst." "Hey, we have the same class!" Vaggie said in a positive way. Charlie  smiled. Her day was just getting better and better. "We'll suffer together!" the moth demon said linking arms with her friend. "Hey guys, did you know we apparently have recess? It either that, or just a funny name for break." Angel said. "Whatever. Anyways! See you guys at 'recess'!" Angel said waving heading in the opposite direction. The two friends were heading down the pearlescent hallways, admiring the different artworks when the reached the room, 213. "Charlie, check your watch; how late are we?" Vaggie asked. "Oh shit, class started five minutes ago. Let's just run in before we're even later." Charlie said. They went inside to see students working quietly. Suddenly a tall blonde demon stood up from her desk and jerked her head to face the two. "Class, would you mind telling Charlie just because she's a princess doesn't mean she and her friend could show up when they feel like it?" The class was looking at them. Charlie turned red in embarrassment. "S-sorry Miss Killjoy!" she squeaked. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Killjoy said. "You two fuckers can just go to those empty seats over there." she said pointing a long skinny finger to a couple seats in the middle near the back. Luckily, the two seats were across from each other, so you had Vaggie sitting in front of Charlie. There was an assignment on the board, and it read;

"Write whatever you want and be quiet because honestly,

 I don't give a fuck and its not like your going to be sharing or anything."

Charlie sighed. What kind of school is this?, she thought to herself. She looked up to see her teacher smoking a cigarette. After a few minutes, she saw a folded piece of paper in front of her. The demon belle realized it was from her friend and proceeded to open it. 'Hate to say it, but Helsa is in this class. Just thought you should know' .Really? Just when things were about to get better too. She looked up and saw Vaggie shrugging. Charlie did some motions as if saying, Well, where is she?  Vaggie pointed to a table diagonally behind their table. Helsa was whispering to Velvet and it seemed like they were gossiping about their classmates.  'Maybe she won't even notice' Charlie wrote back. The moth demon wrote 'She will once she sees who's sitting behind you.' Charlie's eyes widened. 'Well who's sitting behind me?' she wrote. Charlie really didn't want to look back. What if it was Seviathan, and his sister would need him for something? The demon belle got the note back and turned red when she saw what her friend wrote back. 'Oh, nobody but your beloved Alastor Magne UwU.' Vaggie had also decorated the name with a bunch of mini hearts. 'Your joking!' she responded. 'Turn around if you don't believe me.' her friend said. The princess took a deep breathe, and turned around. Her friend was right. Sitting behind her was the guy from earlier. She wanted to keep staring, but her instincts told her to look away before he or anyone else saw. Charlie returned to her assignment when she saw the moth demon making kissy faces. The continued working for a bit when Charlie felt a tap on her shoulder. "Excuse me, Charlie? Do you happen to have an extra pencil? My table doesn't have anymore." "Oh! Sure Uh.. here you go!" she said handing him a pencil. He smiled at her. "Thank you darling." And you bet Vaggie was watching. She raised an eyebrow to her friend and was about to tease her, when she made an alarmed face and pointed behind her friend. The demon belle turned around to see her rival giving her a deadly glare. Charlie turned back around and tried not to think about it anymore.

-------------At 'Recess'---------------------------------------------------------------

"I don't know why she hates me now. We were such good friends, too." Charlie said taking a seat on the edge of the sandbox. Angel and Vaggie were sitting on either side of her. "She probably has Daddy issues. I should know." Angel said. "But really, Charlie. You have us and, well Angel's siblings. To be honest, I don't even think he likes her. I mean, come on." Vaggie said putting an arm on her friend's shoulder. "Its fine, Vag. Thanks." Charlie said. "To both of you." the demon belle pulled her friends into a hug. "No problem kiddo." Angel replied.

Helsa's POV

And now for meh OC

I was standing by the swing set with Velvet and Octavia, along with Madeline, a girl I met a month earlier. "And I don't get why she even tries, you know? Its not like a demon can ever be redeemed----Via!" I called. She was staring over at Charlie's direction. She turned back to face me. "S-sorry Helsa!" she said in a scared tone. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, is someone here crushing on Miss Rainbows?" Velvet asked. "Its not that its just," she started and took a deep breathe and pointed in their direction. :isn't that Alastor walking over to them?" My eyes widened and I was filled with rage. "Oh ho ho! That is! Good eye, Via!" Velvet said getting her phone out, getting ready to record. Madeline was quiet and didn't say anything, while Via was objecting. "Helsa! Your seriously not thinking of fighting her, are you?! You could get in serious trouble!" That gave me an idea. "Actually, I wasn't but now that you mention it, fighting doesn't sound so bad."

---Back with the friends------------------------------------------------

Angel was cracking up his usual sex jokes, and Charlie and Vaggie were actually laughing. That is, until Vaggie got a worried look on her face and pointed behind Charlie. "Look out!" she cried. at the last minute, Angel and Charlie turned and saw Helsa and her crew coming toward them. The demon belle and her friends stood up. "Helsa, I really don't want to do this." the princess pleaded. "Oh, I think its a bit late for that, now." she replied, drawing first blood and slapped her on the face. The moth demon tried to rush over and help, but was caught by Velvet. "Via! I could use some help!" she called in a sing-song voice  "Let go of me!" Vaggie yelled, trying to kick her way out of their hands. Angel came back with his siblings, but a huge crowd had already beat them, making it hard to help Charlie. But luckily, she didn't need help. Her eyes grew red and her horns started growing out. Vaggie smirked. She knew where this was going. Charlie then threw a punch, and gave her rival a bloody nose. The crowd chanted. "Fight!Fight!Fight!Fight!"  Charlie didn't stop there, thought. She jumped on top of Helsa nd began strangling her. She kept gasping for air, and that's when the teacher came out. Miss Killjoy blew a whistle and the crowd made an opening. Velvet and Via let go of Vaggie, and she with the help of Molly took Charlie of of Helsa. It took a little while for the princess to realize what she had just done, and got a horrified expression on her face. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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