Ch-5 A Tiring First Day

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Draco's POV

"GRYFFINDOR!" I froze. So did the Great hall. I couldn't think straight, there had to be a mistake. Everyone was silent, even the Professors. Then I heard a few claps from the Gryffindor table. I turned to see the three Potters clapping.

Soon, the clapping was joined by Sophia and Aiden at the Hufflepuff table. Slowly the Professors joined and then the entire Great hall. I looked towards the Gryffindor table, and saw them all smiling at me.

Some were warm, some were welcoming, some were sympathetic. Totally not Gryffindor right? Well, guess they do have a soft side. I glanced up at McGonagall, who lifted the hat off my head, and smiled at me.

I walked to Gryffindor table, and slumped down beside Carina. Then, Dumbledore started explaining somethings, probably rules but I wasn't listening. I was sure we won't even follow half of them.

Suddenly food appeared in front of us. I reckoned, Dumbledore had finished speaking. All of a sudden, I lost my appetite. "Dray, eat." Carina said, no wait more like commanded. "I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

"Listen here, even Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor, he was twice as happy as Haz was to be sorted in Gryffindor. And Dora, she was also sorted in Hufflepuff. The hat put you here for a reason Draco."

"Now eat. Starving won't put you in Slytherin. Now I'll shut up and eat because you might not be hungry but I am." I laughed at the last part. "When are you not?" I asked.

Andrew smiled and before she could reply, he said, "Trust me mate, she eats more than a mountain troll." Everyone around us laughed, even Carina, which was a surprise as she is short tempered.

"Right, and you are that mountain troll." She told him. We all laughed harder, except Andrew, he scowled. After the feast we followed the prefect, Percy to be exact, to the common rooms.

When we entered, it was all Gryffindor colours, red and golden. Which reminded me again that I'm in Gryffindor. But then, with great friends. He told us where the dorms were, and told us the password.

"Better go to bed now, we don't want to be late on the first day, do we?" Said Andrew. We all nodded, too sleepy to talk , bidded goodbyes, went to our dorms and the next thing I knew, I was asleep.

"Dray! Wake up!" I woke up to Austin shouting. "Wassit." I asked still a bit groggy. "Do you wanna be late?" He asked. "Huh? Late?" And then I realized we were at Hogwarts, also that I'm in Gryffindor.

"Yeah right. What's the time?" I ask. "Time for breakfast." Teddy said from behind Austin. "C'mon now hurry up! I don't want to miss breakfast because of you." Harry exclaimed.

I chuckled and got dressed then we practically rushed down the hall. Don't ask why, we just did. "Morning guys." Nev said as we sat down. "Morning." I reply. I looked around.

Ella and Hermione were talking about something, probably muggles. The boys Ted, Aussie and Haz were having a competition on who could eat the most toasts in five minutes and Ron and Nev was laughing at them.

"Where are the twins?" I ask. "Which ones?" Ella asked. "Potters." "Probably still sleeping." She shrugged. As if on cue, they entered the Great hall. " 'Sup? Sleep well?" Asked Carina ruffling my hair, which I hated I might add.

"Yeah." I answered trying to fix my hair. "What on earth are you three doing?" Asked Andrew. " They're competing on who can eat the most toasts in five minutes." Hermione answered. "Times up!" Ron declared. "Aussie wins!" Nev exclaimed.

"Ha! Losers." Austin told the other two. They glared at him. "Don't fly. You won only by two toasts." Ella said. We all laughed while Austin glared at her. "What are you guys doing?" Asks Sophia from behind us.

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