Honey And Knives (Bilbo×Thorin)

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Annoyed Thorin looked at his phone. It was already dark outside and the streets were empty. Just a few lanterns lighted the streets as he was typing his final message to one of his co-workers before he let his phone slid out of his hand into his pockets. He adjusted his seat belt and started the motor but as he was about the drive of he saw lights in his mirrors. The blue blinking blended him as he recognized police cars coming closer. They passed hin shortly afterwards and the lights faded into the night as soon as they came. Thorin looked after them for a while until he snapped back to reality by a voice behind him.
He turned back in shock seeing a young man in the back of his car. Light brown curls falling wildly and he was breathing heavily. "Wha...what are you doing inside of my car? Get out!"
Rolling his eyes the other pulled out the knife. Pressing it to Thorin's throat he repeated his words with clenched teeth. "Drive or I'll cut your beautiful head off."
Thorin couldn't contradict instead he just pulled out of his parking spot and starting driving along the lonely streets. Once in a while he threw a glance in his back mirror watching the man on is back seat. He cleared his throat. "So, if I you just jump in the back of my car, you could at least tell me your name."
The other one looked back at him seemingly confused and raised an eyebrow  as I he dropped back in the seat. "My name is none of your business."
"As my car is none of your business but still you are here", Thorin answered. He got the younger man chuckling slightly. "Okay your point, my name is Bilbo."
Bilbo... the name did fit to his appearance. And his appearance somehow attracted Thorin. Was it strange to be attracted by someone who threatened to kill you just a few minutes ago? Probably but Thorin didn't care.
Suddenly Bilbo jumped "Shit, the cops! Faster! FASTER!" Thorin looked over his shoulder, seeing the blue blinking lights behind him speeding up. He felt his heartbeat in is head and he was shaking but still he didn't stop. Something inside him told him to get away of the police and make sure Bilbo is getting away safely... whatever he had done. After taking some turns in winding streets he got out of the city on an old country road. The police lights were not visible behind him anymore and the silence of the night was only broken by his running car.
Bilbo sighed in the back seat and brushed one of his curls behind his ear. "I think we are safe now. Bring me to the edge of the forest. I will find my way from there on." Thorin wanted to protest, he didn't want the other man to go. He would his beautiful face with those green eyes reminding him of  a wide field of grass, his wild brown curls he wanted to feel beneath his hands and the light smell of honey that seemed to embrace him. Still he drove on for some miles and stopped at the edge of the old forest everyone around called Mirkwood.
He expected the other one just to jump out and run into the woods but instead Bilbo leaned forwards. Softly he pressed a kiss on Thorins cheek. This sudden share of affection hot the dark haired one like a wave and he couldn't help but blush. "Thank you", the other one whispered "and don't forget me." Then he got out of the car making his way quickly into the dark shelter of the trees. He watched him walk away until he was out of sight and only them he realized the weight on his lap. Laying there was the knife Bilbo had pressed to his throat just shortly ago. For him there was no other possibility than smiling as he turned around driving back to the city surrounded by the light smell of honey the other one left in the car.
For sure he wouldn't forget him.

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