Don't Judge Me (Aragorn×Legolas)

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Bored Aragorn looked at his phone. Still 40 minutes until his bus would come so he also could walk around the department store for a while. Walking through the aisles he looked here and there, touched this shirt and picked that up. Just as he put back another shirt he heard someone behind him. "Is it really that difficult to just fold a t-shirt back?" He turned around to be greeted by a tall, blonde man with his arms crossed in front of his chest. His uniform making clear he was working in this store. "I...ehm...I'm sorry", he looked at the name tag "Legolas."
Legolas smirked. "Oh,I hope so cause if I see you putting a shirt back like that again I'll take it and stuff it down your throat."
Aragorn was shocked. Was he even allowed to talk to costumers like that? He didn't care. He was completely taking over by the piercing blue eyes of his opposite and his sharp cheekbones. What a stunning man.
The other man raised an eyebrow. "You need an explanation?" He took the shirt and exaggerated slowly he folded it as it was supposed to be. Inspected the brunette he concluded "looking at you, you should better buy it anyways. Is looking better than this", he said pointing at Aragorn's shirt.
"Hey, don't judge me!" Aragorn tried to sound outraged but it didn't seem to be possible with someone like Legolas looking so good in front of him. "You know what, maybe you are right. You should definitely tell me how I can dress better, maybe while drinking a coffee?" Now it was Aragorn's time to smirk.
Legolas looked at him again making direct eye contact before he turned and went away. "I'm finished at 6. Don't be late!"

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