Connected In The Story (Aragorn×Legolas friendship)

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Riding home in the train was terribly boring. Especially if it took more than an hour like it did for Legolas. That's why he always took a book with him to kill some time and flee from the boredom of his life into some fantastic worlds and stories. Just that today's book definitely wasn't 'fantastic' and didn't help him to flee anymore. He sighed annoyed. How could a book be this boring. Wasn't it supposed to be entertaining? Instead it just made his, normally so calm, soul wanting to rip it into pieces and scream. Since this wasn't an option on a full train he remained calm and tried to focus on the words again but soon his vision got blurry and he zoned out again. Not realizing the book slipping out of his hands he stared into nothing. It was too late when he realized it fell but luckily a hand was there in time and caught it before it hit the dirty ground. Legolas snapped back.
"You should be more careful with what is yours", the brunette next to him chuckled. He didn't even realize him sitting down next to him as zoned out as he was. The blonde blushed. "Thanks. Ehm... it just was an exhausting day."
"I totally get it", the other one replied turning the book in his hands. "To be honest. I read the same book a while ago. It... has got an... interesting story."
"It is totally shit", Legolas interrupted and the other one nodded agreeing. "Just looking at the plot makes my eyes bleed. I mean how can they discuss a whole battle plan in three sentences?", Legolas rolled his eyes.
"Just as the snowy mountains are next to the beach", Aragorn shook his head laughing. "And the main character... total Mary Sue. She did never fight and suddenly kills the strongest fighter of the enemy??"
"Yeah, it's pretty bad. Don't know why they thought it was a good idea. I'm Aragorn by the way", he introduced himself. "Legolas", the other one smiled.
"You know Legolas, I was worried your taste really was that bad", he laughed. "If you are interested, a friend of mine owns a small bookstore in the center. Not many people know it but he knows what he's doing. I'm sure you'll find something you like there."
Just as Aragorn finished the next stop was announced and he stood up. "I gotta get out here but I will text you the address later if you want." With those words he handed Legolas a little snipped with his phone number on it. "It was nice to meet you Legolas", he said as he waved goodbye and got off the train. Legolas still would have to drive for a while and was kinda sad he couldn't spend more time with Aragorn. Funny how easy it was to make friends by ranting over a bad book. Maybe he should thank the author for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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