The base and Team Top Wing became one

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It's morning. I'm piloting the Command Flyer while everyone's asleep. Well almost. CadetPenny sat on the seat where Bea was.

Me: Good morning, Pen.

CadetPenny: Morning, Swifty.

Me: We're almost there.

CadetPenny: Ok. I'll let the others know.

Me: Ok.

CadetPenny went to the others.

CadetPenny: Wake up! We're almost at the base!

Everyone woke up as I saw the island in front of me. as CadetPenny and the others sat on their seats. Then we saw the base as we saw loads of guns pointing at the Command Flyer. as one of the soldier spoke on the screen.

Soldier 1 on the screen: Hey! Pilot! Leave the base or we'll forced to shoot you down!

CadetPenny: *Gulps*

Me: Is that how you say to a grandson of CJ?

Soldier 1: Shoot! Guns down! Sorry. You can land now, General Swift.

Me: Over and out.

Everyone looked at me.

Me: What?

CadetPenny: How did they know you?

Me: Let's just say. I talked to the generals as then they accept me as a 1st young general.

Everyone: Whoa.

Me: Yeah.

We noticed that loads of people here on the base. Then, I saw 2 figures that made me smile happily. I landed the Command Flyer in front of everyone. And. The 2 figures in front of the Command Flyer made me really really happy. The 2 figures smiled so happy. I know those 2 figures in front of us wanting to see us outside. The 2 figures are...

They are...

Speedy and Bea.

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