Chapter six - A trip and then some.

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Chapter six – A trip and then some.

"Do you think we're going have any lectures with River..."

Wondering about River being any of my lectures was the very least of my problems and I was pretty sure that we weren't studying the same course for that to be the case. However, River being there when I saw my sister for the first time in five years was quite concerning due to the fact he knew a lot more about me than I would have liked. I have Harry to thank for that, but also have myself to thank as well, if had reacted better to Amalia there would be less questions up in the air for him. I say that without even knowing how much he knew about our family or about what I did. I really hate how all of a sudden River seemed to be very involved in my life and I had strong feeling that he is just going to get more involved.

"Of course you aren't listening to me." Leila snapped.

"Guilty." I sheepishly replied.

"You need to stop thinking about her."

Easier said than done. I had told myself to stop thinking about her once I got back to my flat that day and two days have passed and my thought still revolve around her. The shock of seeing Amalia has not worn off. Maybe it was the fact she had the biggest smile on her face when she saw me or the way she opened up her arms to welcome me. Or maybe it was how after she left I thought I would never see her again and how I accepted that she would forever have hate in her hate when it came to me. Something told she was back for a reason and it was the reason I have yet to know that frightened me.

"Do you think River will tell?" I glanced at Leila who puffed out her cheeks and sighed.

"Assuming that River knows, I don't think he will, Harry won't let him."


With a challenging glare I shut my mouth, I didn't blame her I'm sick of me. With that we said goodbye and parted way to our respective lectures. Today happened to be the beginning of the merge of Northumbria and Albany and to be honest it didn't feel much different than before. Sure, there was probably Albany students walking around here but I wouldn't know, I barely know a quarter of the people who are originally Northumbria students. In a blink of an eye my arm is being pulled and my body is spun around only to face my favourite person.


"Could you refrain from pulling my arm out od its socket next time," I rub on my shoulder.

"Bunk with me." He pleaded.

Scoffing, I turned around and continued my walk to my lecture which I was now five minutes late for. Harry, however, was determined for me to leave with him and if it was another day and I wasn't infuriated with I would have jumped on the offer. Luck was on Harry's side because he mentioned he would me breakfast and I gave in to his wishes, I'm such a sucker for food it's actually terrible. Food was the only reason I agreed, so I refrained from talking to him throughout the car ride just so he knew I was angry at him. Even when I realised Harry took us to a diner we used to go to a lot when we were younger, I didn't say a thing about it. I ignored Harry when we went in and went to find us a booth to sit in and waited there, I trusted his judgement when it came to food. Unfortunately, my silence streak came to an end when I started eating.

"I forgot how good this place is," I moaned and did a little jiggle. "Why did we ever stop coming here?"

"Right? I say we come here every Thursday," Harry replied with a mouthful.

The next moments was of us chewing our food and cutlery hitting the plate, a comfortable silence between us. The pettiness dissolved as we ate to our heart content, I could never stay mad at Harry our friendship wouldn't allow it. I think the longest Harry and I went without speaking to each other was when we were eighteen and that we let a fake friend get between us. Other than that its hard to not speak because we always have something to tell each other and to be fair I have been ignoring him since Friday so...

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