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I know i'm a few days late, but Michael, happy late birthday, there's just so many things I wish to say to you, but I won't bother to say it here, because it'll take forever. I wrote a poem, and well..let's just say I'm not the best at poems, but I put all of my love and effort into it and it's from my heart.

My life before,

Was never filled with joy,

until I knew you,

And changed me too

You saved me when I was down,

Instead of messing around like a clown,

while my face was covered in multiple frowns

Thank you for being here,

as my bedroom was filling with tears,

And you being there,

No longer makes me scared,

As time passes by,

It feels like bugs flying up the dark night sky,

But today is a special day,

To where we shall celebrate,

While our negative thoughts fade away,

I thank God everyday,

That he made someone like you to stay,

The thought of judgment always crosses through my mind,

But when thinking of you reminds,

That I'm not the only one,

Who cries all the time,

Thank you for being here,

as my bedroom was filling with tears,

And you being there,

No longer makes me scared,

You helped me find myself,

As I was digging the ground through different towns,

Wondering..who was I?

For it being the biggest mystery,

Your love is so sharp,

It stabs right through the shield of my heart,

Even though where far apart,

I'll always be here to support ya.

Today is the day,

When someone was born,

And I can't thank God enough for what he has just formed,

I never heard,

Someone special and beautiful as you,

Whose faith was all sky high,

Would be secretly crying at night,

But now that's all over,

For as of today,

It's your birthday, 

And remember how special you are.

Thank you for being here,

as my bedroom was filling with tears,

And you being there,

No longer makes me scared,

Your the only reason why I smile,

Leaving all the traces of tears behind,

Making me feel all happy inside,

No longer makes me feel like I'm dying,

I no longer have to be scared,

For it's your birthday,

I don't cry on my bed,

Listening to all the things you've said,

Which made me realize,

How misunderstood you and I where seen like,

But lemme just say...

Thank you for today <3

Michael, honestly without you, I legit would be a mean ass bitch probably smoking weed or sum stuff. You really changed me as a person and I wish I could just say it to your face and give you the biggest hug. I will always be representing and showing the legacy of the TRUE legend..

Michael Joseph Jackson

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