Aizawa Catch Up

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The Kids:
Name: Masami
Gender: Girl
Hair: Black
Eyes: e/c
(A/N: So this is going to take place during the series when he is teaching 1A.)
Y/N Info:
Name: Y/N Aizawa
Quirk: Fire control
Job: School nurse (at UA)
First Day At Home:
To be completely honest, Shota slept 90% of the time, but teaching 1A is exhausting, so can you really blame him? Masami was the best baby in existence,she never cried, she would fall asleep easily, just perfect.
Introduced To The Public:
This didn't happen, Aizawa didn't want anyone to know about his daughter, he just wanted to be cautious.
Y/N sat with Masami on her lap while talking with Shota, when Masami grabbed her hand. Luckily Dadzawa mode was activated and he stopped her before she could bite her fingers.
First Steps:
Masami = daddy's girl. This was only proved further when she took her first steps. She ran to her dad without hesitation. "Why? What did I do to deserve this?!" Y/N said dramatically while falling backwards. "Have another?" She sat right back up.
First Words:
Look. As I stated above, she's a daddy's girl. So when she said her first word the family was in for a surprise. Y/N was out at work and Shota was off that day. As soon as Y/N entered the room Masami lifted her hands up and said, "Mama!" and, I kid you not, Aizawa smiled. Like not the creepy smile, an actual smile. Y/N on the other hand just said, "Ha!"
Masami just rolled her eyes. "No." Shota laughed, "You don't have a choice." "Shota!" Y/N picked up her daughter and hugged her. "I'm sorry honey, but you have to go to school so you learn and be a hero like dad." She sighed and her mom put her back down. She didn't hug her dad.
Where Do Babies Come From?:
Imma get straight to the point, Dadzawa was not ready. Masami was sitting at the table with Mic and her dad and she just looked up and them and asked, "Where do babies come from?" Mic screamed and Shota literally died. Luckily, Masami started crying cause her ears hurt so she forgot about the question.
This time Masami didn't even try to get out of it. She knew there was no way in hell that her dad would leg her get out of it. She just crossed her arms and stared Aizawa down. "I really have to?" He nodded and hugged her. She turned to her mom and,
"Don't even try." Masami gave her the cutest puppy dog eyes you have ever seen.
"Shota, Shota help it's working!" He just picked his daughter up and walked her in the building.
Bring Your Kid To Work Day Dad Edition:
So no one in 1A knew that Aizawa had a kid. And Y/N was sick, on the same day that Masami was off from school, so Masami got to visit UA. She brought a backpack full of crayons and paper so she could draw.
She hid behind her dad since she hates strangers and they walked in. Before Aizawa could say anything Iida started freaking out when he saw her.
"Sir you are aware there is a child behind you?"
"Yes Iida I am aware. On that note, this Masami my daughter." The classroom literally exploded. "Does that mean you're married?"
"Yes L/N, the school nurse is Masami's mother." Mina and Kaminari really said:💀
At this point Masami was terrified because of the noise so Aizawa picked her up and just held her for all of homeroom. It was so cute. For the rest of the day she kinda just sat in the back of the room and doodled.
Y/N was feeling sick. She didn't really think about it until she actually started throwing up. She already had a pregnancy test so she took one and waited. Shota was asleep on the couch and Masami was at school. After a few minutes she looked at it. Positive. She internally freaked out and decided to put it on the table next to where Shota was sleeping. She sat in bed and waited. After a half an hour she heard, "N/N! "Yeah?" He walked in and just hugged her.
The Second Pregnancy: 3 Months:
Masami was really excited, she really wanted a little sister sooo badly, Aizawa on the other hand didn't care, he was excited though. It was really peaceful for a while and Aizawa took more time off of work.
It was really in the morning, like sun just came up and Y/N felt a liquid running down her leg.
"Shit shit shit! Shota!" It took them 10 seconds to get out of the house and to the hospital. And turns out they were having twin boys. Aizawa cried.
• Souta
• Black hair
• Black eyes
• Youta
• h/c hair
• e/c eyes
First Day At Home Round 2:
Masami didn't come to the hospital and she was really upset she didn't get a sister, but at the same time she was really happy. Until their first night at home. The twins were crying all night, poor Y/N had to handle everything since Shouta slept through it. 1vote = 1 less disrespect for Y/N
A/N: Sorry if this seems a bit rushed schools been a bit much lately so updates may be a but slower and shorter. But I will do my best to continue to update. Also Thanks for 12k reads you guys are awesome.
I wrote this a while ago and I didn't really proofread so let me know if there is anything I need to change.

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