Chapter 1 ~Reunited~

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~Luna's POV~

I stood outside of UA, my new school, wondering about who i would meet, and what would happen due to the fact that i missed a HUGE part of the school year to due to the incident i got involved in. 

"your nervous, aren't you?"

I looked over and saw my adopted father, All Might, standing there looking at me, "yeah... i guess i am..."

"it's okay to be nervous, but you'll be in aizawa's class, class 1-A, and i know you'll make some friends, it's a good class, but they have a habit of getting involved with villains a lot... which can be a problem sometimes..."

I could tell he meant it when he said it, he never lied to me about anything-

"but i would watch out for mineta, he has a habit of being a bit perverted to the females..." i stared at him when he said that, having too many questions at be answered about that, but i let it go and we walked inside the school. I always knew the school was big, but i never knew it was to this extent. I walked the halls of UA with my dad and then i spotted my class, class 1-A. We stopped outside the door and he said,

"Remember what i said, there's nothing to be nervous about kiddo!"

i took a deep breath, and exhaled, "your right, there's nothing to be nervous about!"

we hugged, he gave me his usual big smile, and then i heard aizawa-sensei call me in. I opened the door and walked into the class, standing in the front of the room, everyone stared at me.

"Hi!, my name is Luna, Luna Komar and i's nice to meet you all!" Dad thought it would be a good idea that i keep my maiden name, to avoid arousing any suspicion of people thinking i'm his daughter or that were related in anyway, i didn't mind. I looked over and saw a boy with emerald green eyes and black and green hair raise his hand. "hm?"

"i was wondering, what's your quirk, exactly?"

"My quirk? Actually it's quirks, i have more then one. Their called, Elements, Time manipulation, and Interdimensional travel." Then i noticed him writing this stuff in a notebook, he really doesn't change, does he. Always writing people's quirks and what the do in his notebook. My dad told me about how Izuku got into UA, giving him One For All and about how he trained him. I looked at who was sitting near him, and of course, it was none other that Bakugou Katsuki, i know for a fact that he hasn't changed much. It felt better knowing that there were familiar faces here, i guess that's why dad didn't want me to be nervous because he knew that there were already 2 people in here that i knew. I looked around the room and started to notice that there were other people with their hands raised, but aizawa-sensei stepped in before i could answer any of their questions.

"Alright class, that's enough asking questions let's head out to the training field." And with that, we headed out to the training field


I'm so dry about this taking so long to come out!!!

But due to school and all I didn't really have much time to type up this chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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