chapter one

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The soft murmur of conversation rippled across the room; snippets of private exchanges becoming unintelligible as they overlapped each other.

Solana's lips were sealed as she weaved in amongst the crowd, flitting past groups of people as if she were invisible: exactly as she liked it.

Passing one of the servants, she lifted a flute of champagne from the tray that they carried. She held it delicately between her fingers, lightly taking a sip from the glass as she walked. She pulled it away from her lips, bringing the red lipstick stain that she had imprinted onto the glass into sharp focus.

Solana paused, her gaze flicking back to the crowds as she surveyed the room. She was in a dimly lit ballroom, though it wasn't being used for dancing tonight. Candles were the sole source of light, small flames flickering from each one, meaning that shadows danced on each face. 

Scattered around the room were various groups of people, laughing at the exclusive jokes that were shared between them. The majority of them were absorbed in their own affairs, oblivious to their surroundings. They were dressed in an array of colours, from the deep blush of crimson to the vivid splashes of royal blue, each vying to flaunt their wealth in an unspoken competition. The sparkling jewellery was a testament to this, as each slight movement was accompanied by the glint of metal.

Solana herself was dressed in a navy blue dress, specifically designed to be unmemorable, which would help her blend in. The bodice was fitted to her figure, and the neckline dipped low, leaving her collarbone bare. A slit ran up one side of the dress, exposing the smooth dark skin of her leg. 

Her hair cascaded down her back in soft curls. It was usually a bright colour, though tonight she had opted for the simplicity of dark brown.

It wasn't difficult to go unnoticed, she reflected with a lingering smile. The nobility rarely looked past their own enjoyments, especially at a trivial party such as this. Such events were held every night, and some families made a point of attending as many as they could.

"May I help you, miss?"

A small voice caught her attention, and she glanced at a young servant who was holding onto a tray of drinks. Solana's eyes narrowed as she noticed that the tray was quivering, only to realise a moment later that the servant was trembling. She lifted her chin, staring down at the servant and placing her glass on their tray. Although guilt gnawed at her for having such a snide attitude, she had no other choice. She had to act in a way that coincided with the rest of the nobility.

The servant hurried to perform a bow. It was an awkward movement, hindered by their tray, but they straightened up again before scurrying away. Solana turned back to the guests, her features creasing into a frown as she let her gaze pass over each face. She took in many different sets of facial features as she searched for a certain partygoer.

She plunged back into the crowd, weaving between an endless stream of people. Despite not finding her target, Solana remained relatively calm, pushing away the tug of frustration that threatened to pull her down.

As she brushed against the silk of yet another dress, Solana felt fingers curl around her wrist.

She fought the urge to retaliate, though her head snapped sideways as she stared into a pair of prominent icy-blue eyes. Flecks of grey danced among the sea of blue, almost mocking Solana as she noticed the glint of amusement. 

The pair of eyes belonged to a woman who had seemingly materialised out of nowhere. She had pale white skin and platinum blonde hair that fell down to her shoulders. It created a striking contrast between them, especially from where the woman's fingers curled around the dark skin of Solana's wrist. Solana guessed that they were around the same age, but the other woman stood a couple of inches above her, making her seem older.

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