Chapter 1 - Who's That?

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-3rd Person POV-

*Alarm rings*
*Alarm rings for 5 minutes*
*Alarm still rings for 10 minutes*
*Sasuke throws his phone across his room*

"Ugh" he groans. He depressingly rolls out of bed along with his blankets and hits head against his nightstand. What a great start to this unfortunate day he thought. He gets up and makes his bed with little effort, only to see once he finished, it was worse compared to when he woke up.
He looks at his bed with the most annoyed and disappointed face and drags himself to his bathroom to freshen up. He attempts to comb his duck butt looking hair and made his hair look worse as he looked like he got struck with lightning at least 100 times. Sasuke gives up and decides to take a shower. Being the egotistical person he is, he begins to "flex" his muscles in the mirror after his shower. He finishes getting ready and wears the Konoha High uniform and goes downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning!" Mikoto says with a smile while Sasuke's reply was "hn" and rushed to eat this food.

"How did you sleep?" asked Mikoto. "Hn" Sasuke replies.

His mother hands him his lunch, "thank you" he murmurs, Sasuke then leaves for his first day of school as a Junior.

"Have a great day!" Mikoto says, only to hear another "hn".

Sasuke unlocks his flash matte black BMW i8 and shoves his bag into the passenger seat and drives off to school and arrives within 10 minutes. As soon as he steps out he hears, 


He thought to himself that it was going to be a long day. He turns around to see Ino, with the long blonde hair up in her usual ponytail and the oh too joyful candy floss looking Sakura running towards him, looking like they were about to tackle him.

He begins to speed walk away from them only to hear a rather loud and obnoxious Naruto yell, "OIII SASUKEEEE", Sasuke thinks to himself again, why did I wake up today as he sighs.

Naruto, Ino and Sakura charge towards Sasuke, all at the same force and time, I'm doomed he thought as he managed to keep a straight face. But fortunately (slightly), he was able to be saved just in time, when a red Chevrolet Camaro comes to a sudden halt between the girls and Sasuke, leaving him to feel the wrath of Naruto who was wearing his neon bright orange jacket on top of his uniform as he comes up to Sasuke full of energy and puts his arm around his neck aggressively, almost choking him.

Everyone knew that the red Chevrolet Camaro belonged to the one and only, Neji Hyuga, who was also popular and charming towards the girls, except, unlike Sasuke, he knew how to treat them properly but always had his eyes on one person. Neji usually comes alone to school but today was different. The passenger side of the car opened the door and someone stepped out, immediately turning heads. There were whispers everywhere, along with some whistles and shouting. Even a couple of nosebleeds.


"Who the hell is that?"


"Yo Neji, you really hit the jackpot man!"

Neji immediately gives a cold glare to everyone who stared, it was like he was shooting daggers through his eyes. As she steps out, she felt all eyes on her. This was the most uncomfortable she's ever been. She begins walking with Neji and whispers to him "why are they all staring at me like that?" to which Neji shrugs his shoulders and begins walking in front of her to prevent attracting any more attention towards the girl.

Sasuke notices her and of course his reaction is "hn", with a slight smirk on his face.

They walk towards the school office, where they are greeted with an "I don't care" attitude by the office lady.

"We're here to grab our schedules." Neji says.


"Neji Hyuga and Hinata Hyuga"

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