Chapter One

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Damien's POV

Shit!" I yell as I sprang out of bed with my alarm clock blaring. My father, Joseph yells , "Language!" right back at me. I ignore him , still rushing to get ready. I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth, comb my hair and find my eye patch. I finally finished combing my hair when I realized my eyepatch was missing. "Dad! Where is my eyepatch?" I yelled from the bathroom to the kitchen. I got no response. I decided to get dressed and investigate why he didn't answer. I darted down the stairs to find my dad on the phone. "Dad," I said softly, "was that, them?" He just looked at me. I knew what that meant. He broke the silence by saying, "Go to school without it today, besides Delia and Richard are waiting for you." I respond to him with, "Dad, you know I can't do that." "But why not? Richard does it!" He tells me. I think about it. "Why not," I tell my dad. "God, Delia's gonna kill me." I whispered under my breath. "I heard that! Now get your ass to school," he yelled to me. I just shook my head and opened the door. Outside I saw my little brother, Richard and my girlfriend, Delia. My dad came up behind me and said, "Richard, how's Remy?" He replied with, "Papa's good, how are you dad?"

"I'm fine. Now get your asses to school!"

"Bye Mr Locklet!" Delia told him

"Bye Dad!" Richard and I yelled simultaneously.

"Bye kids!"

    We walked to school, Delia and I hand-in-hand. We meet up with Evan, Delia's younger brother and Evelyn, Richard and Evan's  little sister. "Damy!" Evelyn yells as she runs toward me. She was like a sister to me and I'd protect her at all costs. I let go of Delia's hand and pick up Evelyn and place her on my shoulders. "Hey Evie, I've missed you." I said. "Damien I am not a child put me down," she told me. Everyone but Evelyn laughed. Finally I spoke up and said, "You will always be a child to us. We just wanna protect you."

She hugged he and I put her down.

    That was the moment I saw them. Callie, my younger half-sister and Violette Prince, Delia's younger half-sister. They are the worst especially since they became friends with Cora Hearts aka my toxic ex. All three of them are extremely toxic. I do my best to protect the ones I love from them. Sadly Callie wasn't always the way she is now. Up until the age of 10 she was one of the sweetest people you'd ever meet. I still care about her, a little, but my first priority will always be protecting Delia, Richard, Evelyn, and Evan.

Richard's POV


It was break and I was walking down the hallway. Suddenly, smack. I ran into a girl. She fell to the floor and dropped all her books. "I'm so sorry!" I say. I help her up, collecting her books. "Its ok, it was my fault." She said. "No, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." She looks up at me and smiles.
    "U-uh I'm Abigail." She sticks her hand out to shake mine.
    "Richard." I look at her and see her beautiful Carmel/milk chocolate eyes. I shake her hand
    "It was nice meeting you Richard. Hope I see you around." She let's go of my hand
    "Y-yeah me too. Actually could I have your number? So we could talk more."
    "Of course, here its *** *** ****." I pull out phone and put the number in.
    "Thank you".
   "No problem. See you around." She walks away towards the performing arts center.
    'Damn,' I thought. The bell rang. "Shit!" I said under my breath as I darted to world history. The rest of my say was pretty uneventful. I ran into Abigail a couple more times and we hung out a little bit. We got to know each other a little better and I gave her the nickname 'Gail'. Then at the end of the day I saw Cora and Violette picking on a girl. I went closer to see what was happening. That girl ended up being Abigail. "Hey!" I yell, "Leave her alone!" They turned to look at me. "Richard," Violette said, "seems like you got yourself a  girlfriend. I'm surprised anyone wanted to be around your freak face." I glared at her, " She's not my girlfriend. And you know I won't hesitate to tell your fathers." Finally Cora said, "You know what on second thought, hove your girlfriend back she is just as freakish as you!" Cora kicked her towards me. I got on my knees to help her. I grabbed her and held her close. "Gail, I'm sorry I couldn't stop them from hurting you. Could you forgive me?" She hugged me back and whispered, "You didn't do anything wrong it was my fault." She passed out right there and then. I just sat there for a few minutes with her in my arms until Damien and Delia found us.
    "Dude, what happened?" Damien asked.
    "Cora and Violette."
    Delia asked me, " Who is she?"
    "Her name is Abigail, Gail for short."
    "Let's take her to Dad and see what we could do." Damien suggested.
    I nodded and stood up. Gail still asleep in my arms. We carried her back home, at least my home. As we walked in I could hear my father yell, "What the hell happened!"
    "The terrible two," I replied, "they hurt Gail".
   "Who is Gail?"
I hold her up a little more.
   "Oh, sorry Richard."
   " Its ok dad, you didn't know."
   " I should really talk to Romero about Violette's behavior."

To be Continued

This was my first story so I really hope you enjoyed it!

List of Parents and Children

Patrick Lokay(Morey): Father to Damien and Callie
Joseph Locklet: Father to Damien and Richard
Romero Prince: Father to Elizabeth and Violette; Brother to Reman
Emile Pecan: Father to Evan and Evelyn
Reman Duke: Father to Delia and Evan; Brother to Romero
Victor Prince(Verson): Father of Delia and Violette
Logan Lokay: Father of Callie and Elizabeth
Remy Fernan: Father of Richard and Evelyn

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