Chapter Two

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Delia's POV

  'Shit! This poor girl. I cant believe Violette did this. I gotta talk to dad about this.' I was thinking. Richard wouldn't let go of her. I look to Damien and he looks back at me. "Why did they do this to her you think?" He asks me.
    "I have no clue. I should really tell my dad about this."
    "Which one?"
    I just look at him with a death glare. "Which one do you think, Dipshit." I spat.  Damien just looked at me, terrified I might do something. Just then I winced at hearing Mr Locklet yell back, "Delia! Language!" We just shook our heads and look back at Richard holding the girl. He's been through enough, he doesn't need to have his friends hurt. "Del, should we go upstairs? You look like you need some rest." He said, referring to my tired eyes. I nodded, he grabbed my hand and led me to his room. "Lay down," he said softly, " you need it." I did so.
    "Can we cuddle?" I said in a soft voice.
    "Yeah, if it will help you sleep." He layed down next to me and put his arms around me.
    "Thanks Dami." I said, snuggling up next to him
    "No problem Deli." He sighed.
    'God, I love my boyfriend. He is so kind and always has put others before his own comfort. I know why he is like this though. Damien doesn't want anyone going through the same pain he has gone through.' I thought. Just then he kissed my head and said, "Stop thinking, rest.". 'What the hell did I do to deserve him'. We were just laying there for about half an hour until we heard a shriek. Damien and myself jumped at the sound and ran down the staircase. I got down there to see Richard calming down the girl. Just then both Damien and Mr Locklet came into the room. "Who the hell are you?! Where the hell am I?!" She said
    "My dad's place," replied Richard.
    "O-oh, o-ok. B-but that doesn't answer my first question."
    Finally I step up and say, "I'm Delia Duke, one of Richard's friends." Then I elbow Damien to do the same. "Ow- oh, I'm Damien Locklet Richard's older brother." He says obligingly. "And that is my father, Joseph Locklet." Richard says pointing to his father. "N-nice to meet you all," she said stuttering, "I'm Abigail Stern."
    "Really, my son has been calling you Gail since you all got here."
    She immediately shot a glare to Richard after hearing that. He gulped. There a was a moment of complete silence. Then Richard spoke up and said, " Gail, I should probably take you home." "Yeah, I guess. Will you show me out because I can walk from here." Abigail said.
    "Nonsense, I'll drive you." Richard retorted.
    And he did drive her home. After they left I got a phone call, from my brother Evan. "Delia, where the fuck are you. Dad is worried sick. For gods sake, it's past six." He said.
    " Ev, I'm at Damien's. We ran into situation when we left school and had to help someone out. I'm gonna ask dad if I can stay the night here. Put him on the line."
    "Fine! Here dad."
    Just then I heard my father say, "Where the hell are you, Delia Theresa Duke! I've been worried sick you should have been home or called or something! Oi, Lia I thought something happened to you." I sigh, "Dad I'm at Damien's. I'm ok, but I was wondering if I can stay over tonight. I can borrow clothes for tomorrow." There was silence for a moment. Suddenly he said, "Fine but no stupidity. And please next time call or text before Evan and I have to yell at you."
    "I know dad, I know. Love you."
    "Love you too sweetheart."
    We hang up. "God, today was hectic," I sigh. Damien just hugs me. "How about we go get some food?" He finally says. "Ok lets go." I answer.

Callie's POV

Its dinner time at my house. All four of us are at the table(Elizabeth is with us this week). My Papa, Patrick made dinner for us all. He treats everyone nicely. I look over at my father, Logan, to see him just staring at the clock. "Father are you alright?" My sister asked him. "Dear, I'm fine, just have to make sure I'm on schedule." He replied. He always ha d a schedule. It took over every aspect of his life, except Saturdays where Papa forced him to never create a schedule for. Soon after dinner was finished.
    I darted to my room to call Violette. I clicked her icon, which was the most beautiful picture I've ever seen of a person. No answer. "Will she ever actually notice me," I sigh, "I love her with all my heart but she won't recognize it. I know she's smart and will figure it out. Right?".  Just then I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I say. Just then I hear my father Logan come in and say, "Callie, dear you should call your brother. He hasn't heard from you in weeks."
    "I know father, but he sees me every day at school."
    "Do you talk to him?"
    "No," I sigh.
    "Then call him."
    "Fine, later."
    He shakes his head and leaves. I haven't had the best relationship with my brother, Damien, since I became friends with Cora. And he hates my best freind Violette, so why should I talk to him. If only he knew that I love Violette so much more than a best freind. He would be livid.
    You see his father and his freinds are considered to be on the dark side of the council. While mine are on the light side. We are destined to be rivals. You might be wondering, what council I am talking about. I'm talking about the royal council run by King Cordillian, the father of Cora and her three siblings. Cora is the youngest of her family. She has an older sister and 2 older brothers.
    Sorry I got off topic. Just then I hear Elizabeth yell, "Callista Lokay, where are my noise silencing headphones! I need them to study!"
    "Eli, I never took them! Check father's office!" I yell right back."
    "Girls both of you, go to bed." I suddenly hear Papa shout. I obligingly get ready for bed and fall asleep.

Thanks Again for reading. I love feedback and please tell me any suggestions for the story.


Characters ages

Damien: 17
Delia: 17
Richard: 16
Evan: 16
Callie: 15
Violette: 15
Elizabeth: 17
Evelyn: 14
Cora: 15
Crystal( Cora's older sister): 17
William(Cora's older brother): 17
Gabriel(Cora's older brother): 16

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