Part 9- New guy

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Julia's POV

As I turned around I jump up in excitement "ELI!! OH MY GOSH YOU'RE ALIVE!?" I say in a very happy tone. "You bet I am! I can't believe you guys actually escaped! I'm so proud of you guys!" Eli replied in the same happy tone. "Wait- Eli? As in my big brother E-Lie?"
Dext said in surprise. "You're one and only oldest brother of course" Eli said proudly.

Arthur was confused, I could see it in his face and it was hilarious seeing him so dumbfounded. "wait wait wait- I though Dext only had One sibling.." Arthur said in utter confusion. "Well Arthur. This is my big brother. He escaped a very long time ago and promised he would make sure to stay near so we can all meet up!" I explained to him.

No ones POV

They all chatted and caught up with each other. They even had a place to stay since Eli had a job. They all left McDonalds after finishing eating and they followed Eli to where they'd stay. It was an apartment and a big one too so no need to worry about space.

"So guys, this is my place." Eli said. There were two bed rooms, including two bathrooms and the apartment was absolutely beautiful. There was an amazing view of the outside and it smelt like fresh baked cookies in there. "Whoa this place is amazing!" Julia exclaimed in excitement. "I agree! This is absolutely amazing! I can't believe we get to stay here in the meantime!" Arthur said.

"Alright. Once you guys turn 16 all of you have to get jobs so you can help me with the bills." Eli explained. "Fine with us!" Dext spoke.

It started getting late and Eli was listening to this thing called K-Pop. No one knew what it was, So Eli showed them a few songs and the others didn't hate it, they enjoyed the song and even learned a bit of Korean. Julia was vibing to the songs and than some kind of Indie pop came on and Dext preferred that, Arthur liked it as well and it was actually calming.

Soon it got really late and everyone fell asleep. Julia and Arthur got the beds while Dext and Eli slept on the couches. It was the first night out of the facility and honestly. It wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.

BLEEEHHHH I'm not so proud of this one but at least it's something right :D anyways I'm gonna make another comic so 😗✌🏼

FacilityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang