A Cruel Start

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Quirk's everyone has one well 80% has it Quirks are powerful abilities which is obtained through genetic evolution 80% of the children born has one they discover their quirk's at the Age of 4 this is where our MC comes in.....

No one's P.O.V

Doctor:"Mrs.yagi please come in" The doctor said Inko yagi Mother of two children a daughter and a son Izuku yagi and Izumi yagi the three of them comes in the doctors office

Izuku:"I'm excited to know our quirk's mom we'll both be great heroes"


Inko:"I know you two will"

Doctor:"Let's get to the point Mrs. Yagi I have some good news and some bad one which one would you like to hear first?"he asked

Inko:"the bad one please" she said nervously

Doctor:"the thing is your son Izuku yagi doesn't have a quirk.." while the doctor explained why he doesn't have a quirk Izuku got blank he had dropped his Allmight figure and hugged his feet like a curled ball (if that's a thing) the doctor then proceeded to explained Izumi's quirk

Doctor:"but your daughter however received a powerful one strength manipulation..." Inko's mood jumped and became really happy for Izumi

Izumi:"I can become a great hero mom!" She shouted

Inko:"now let's go and tell your dad"she said and picked Izumi up leaving a sad Izuku walking alone about half an hour later they arrived at their house there waiting is an excited toshiniro yagi father of Izumi and Izuku yagi

*Ding* *dong*

Toshiniro immediately opened the door and asked his wife inko how did it go

Toshiniro:"what's the results?" He said as soon as he opened the door

Inko:"well Izuku is quirkless.."she said which made toshiniro disappointed "but Izumi got a strength manipulation quirk!"she said with pride and made toshiniro happy

Toshiniro:"Mama and papa will make you a Great hero Izumi" he said completely forgetting about Izuku

The three of them went to the dinning table and ate while Izuku went to his bad crying then eventually fell asleep the next day both Izumi and Izuku went to school this day is special for this their grade becuase everyone had there quirk's check except for Izuku who is quirkless

It was their lunch time it was the first time Izuku bought his own food becuase inko forgot to make him one so inko just gave him money Izumi together with shoto,shota, Katsuki and Katsumi are talking

Shota:"what Izuku is quirkless?"

Izumi:"yeah I'm really worried if he still pursue his dream of being a hero he might die just like the news this morning a hero died"

Shota:"what will we do?"

Katsuki:"I have a idea"

Shoto:"a bad one?"

Katsuki:"OI EVERYONE DID YOU KNOW IZUKU IS QUIRKLESS HE'S A DEKU" he shouted throughout the canteen getting everyone's attention

Izumi:"Katsuki what are yoy doing?!"she asked Katsuki

Katsuki:"if we push him enough he'll surely quit"he said making everyone agree

Shoto:"sounds good to me"

A few weeks past Izuku is tormented everyday in school sometimes even at home when no one is looking Izuku sometimes get's punched kicked and sometimes some students use their quirk on him but the worst thing is that his own sister joins the bullies but worst is yet to come.

Teacher:"alright now class is dismissed go home kids"his teacher said

Izuku packed his stiff and got ready to go home when Katsuki walk towards him

Katsuki:"oi deku what's this note book?"he said grabbing the notebook and tossing it to Katsumi

Katsumi:"hero analysis for the future"she said reading the title of the notebook

Izumi:"so your still planning on becoming hero?"she said clunching her fist

Izuku:" No no you got it all wrong this notebook is for just passing time"he said

Katsuki:"quit lying deku" he said blowing the notebook

Katsumi:"this will be fun" and from that they started to beat Izuku into a bloody pump

A month later Izuku applied on a samurai dojo near his house even though the dojo doesn't accept quirkless person Izuku swallowed his pride and pleaded the dojo master to accept him there he met a girl a year older than him and mych stronger than him her name is miyiko even though miyiko knows Izuku is quirkless she still trains with him and helps him from time to time miyiko is a very close friend for Izuku

Both of them had trained for about 3 months every time they spar Izuku always end up losing

Miyiko:"your still weak Izuku"she said teasing Izuku

Izuku:"shut up"he said

Miyiko:"hahaha your actually dumb you know that" sge said handing a water bottle to Izuku and sitting besides him

Izuku:"I'll make it work"

Miyiko:"don't be dumb a three swords style is not possible you know"

Izuku:"I'll make you regret that I'll be the greatest Swordsman man using this style and ill make sure you'll feel sorry"he said bragging

Miyiko:"I'll make you feel dumb by achieving the title the greatest Swordsman first"

1 year later

Izuku's P.O.V

Izuku:'tommorow is my birthday my 6th one to be exact my fifth birthday wasn't great my parents didn't even remember it
I guess this is how society treats a quirkless person like me' he thought to himself

Izuku got up and went to the dojo at 5:00 am his parents never noticed this becuase they get up at 7:00

Izuku:'the dojo is the only place I could call home everyone started appreciating my swordsmanship hehe the only thing left to do is defeating that dumb miyiko' he said to himself he was about to enter the dojo when he noticed some commotion

To be continued

The path of the greatest Swordsman (Izuku: three swords style)Where stories live. Discover now