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 chenle was fidgeting. 

 to say that he wasn't nervous was an understatement. he felt the surge of anxiety bubbling up and he can feel his hands cold and sweaty. this happened many times before and usually at school but this time, he was both dreadful and hopeful to stop this feeling.

 two people came inside the office with sister dessa, a man and a woman. they were both looking at chenle with a smile and of course he smiled back, he just hoped that it didn't looked so awkward on their part.

 he knew them. they're called mr. and mrs. han and they have been visiting the orphanage for a few weeks now, volunteering to help them kids and he heard that they've also been donating to the orphanage. 

 out of all the kids in the orphanage, chenle couldn't believe that he piqued the interest of this couple. chenle was naturally loud in front of his roommates and the other kids but with strangers? he was just a shy boy who keeps smiling awkwardly and talking softly. 

 chenle bowed when mr. and mrs. han sat in front of him on sister dessa's office. the couple chuckled and chenle felt mr. han patting him on his head with a big smile. he also heard mrs. han said, "such a nice boy." which sent chenle into cloud nine.

 "chenle-yah, me and jiwon here thinks you're an interesting kid. we have always adored your communication with the other kids here and we hope that you give us the chance to... take care of you." mrs. han said while wearing a huge smile. the couple kept showering him with compliments while sister dessa chatted with them about what would happen during the adoption and at the end of the conversation, chenle thought...

 who am i to say no? it was the best feeling and all of a sudden, chenle forgot everything else and just focused on this opportunity that's laid perfectly in front of him, parents. he'll finally have a family, someone who'd tuck him to bed (maybe), someone who'd kiss him to sleep, someone to call his own mom and dad.

 so his mind went blank for a second and with a huge smile, he turned to mr. and mrs. han and said, "yes."

 mark was startled when he felt a hand tap his shoulder, looking over his shoulder, he saw jaemin with his usual smile, "you alright?"

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 mark was startled when he felt a hand tap his shoulder, looking over his shoulder, he saw jaemin with his usual smile, "you alright?"

 "yeah," mark answered, although he probably knows what the question was about but he chose to not talk about it.

 he heard jaemin sigh, "it's like that, you know." mark felt emotions in his words and as much as he sees jaemin as a very positive guy among the group, it's still unavoidable to feel shit everytime people looks at you like some useless trash. "they don't know what it's like so they can't simply sympathize with us. just avoid them, it won't be good to associate yourself with useless fights because it's always us who'll look bad in the end."

 everyone was silent as they walked back to the orphanage. the day wasn't messy and the guy who tried to insult him earlier that day just kept provoking him with words, it's a good thing that mark knows how to control himself. what jaemin said looks like a hard fact for them orphans and as much as he felt like he deserves it, the others definitely don't need to have this kind of treatment. from what mark had observed, these guys seems really harmless and it's plain bull that society have come this way.

 even though, mark couldn't say anything. it was like that for a few minutes until chenle broke the silence, "i think i'm gonna get adopted soon."

 and then all of a sudden, everyone stopped. 


 "no way!"



 the others reacted simultaneously and even mark was taken aback. chenle was flustered, it happened a few days ago and he was trying to find out when to tell them but then he figured there's no point in stalling, he just had to do it.

 "w-what do you mean you're getting adopted?" jisung asked, there was a clear look of disappointment on his face for a short while but he tried to shake it off and look excited and happy for his friend.

 "well, you know mr. and mrs. han who's always visiting the orphanage?" chenle said softly but it was obvious how happy he is about this news, seems like he couldn't control his excitement.

 "oh my god, that's great! we're really happy for you chenle-yah!" jaemin said happily while jeno put his arm around chenle's shoulders and ruffled his hair.

 "you better visit," renjun added.

 chenle giggled, "of course! mr. and mrs. han lives in gangnam but i will try to visit every week." the boy said excitedly. 

 they kept gushing about how excited chenle must be knowing that he's getting adopted and chenle even felt bad that he wouldn't get to know mark more since he just joined them but mark assured that he should just focus on his new family and think about him later. although he's very new to the group, mark is happy for chenle seeing how he must've longed for this moment and he seems to really like these mr. and mrs. han to be talking about them way too much. seems like they even described their place and chenle's soon-to-be private school.

 at the side of the street was jisung who instead of feeling happy, just felt lonely. jisung considers chenle as his bestest friend and closest among the other kids and as much as he wants to be excited for his friend, he just can't help feeling that he'll be left alone the moment chenle's adoption gets legalized in court. he just stayed at the side quietly, trying not to fidget too much so he wouldn't be a party pooper. 

 as the group reached the orphanage, the others ran inside to announce the news while jisung, mark and donghyuck were left behind, walking. jisung was too preoccupied on the anxiety of being separated from his best friend to process or hear a word that donghyuck whispered.

 "he'll stay... he always does."

 and mark heard that.

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