25• Phōs

13 5 2


Days ago...
Weeks ago...
Years ago...

I was searching
For something.

Not with my eyes
But with my heart.

You think it was love
Those tingling feelings?

Well then you're wrong,
It's not even close to it.

I was searching for light,
As crazy as it sounds.

I woke up in the morning,
Slept late in the night.


I dreamed in my thoughts.
Thinking about how to
Find and get that light.

Not normal light,
Not physical light.

Not bulbs,
Not lamp stands,
Not Torchlight.

Those were just artificial.

I was looking for the light,
The one made supernaturally.

I knew the only person
That could give it to me.

His name is short,
Yet powerful.


The Father,
The Son
And The Holy Spirit.

They gave me the light
I looked for.

The light I spent
Days and years looking for.

And to you;
You're looking for
The supernatural light, huh?

They are the ones
That can give it to you.

The only ones,
I tell you.

I tell you,
Do take my words to heart.

I shall tell my story one day.
The story most people
Are afraid to share

Because they fear tribulations.
You know, persecution
And it breaks my heart.

The Light might seem small
Or little.

But remember,
Light overcomes darkness.

Where there's light,
Darkness can not be seen.

You see all those
Problems you're facing?

You see all those
Insecurities you're facing?

You see all those
Fear you're facing?

It's all darkness.

Walk with light
And overcome darkness.

Separate yourself from

Let your star shine.
Let your grace shine.
Let your strength shine.


Phōs -> A Greek word meaning 'Light.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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