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I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Scared would be an understatement. 

I was petrified. I jumped about 5 feet in the air. My heart almost leaped out of my mouth as I turned around and there she was, standing at the edge of my bed, standing still and looking at me as usual. Only this time she was right next to me. 

I just stood there, frozen in place, almost mimicking her posture. My heart was beating so loud that I wondered if the people living next door could hear it. A bead of sweat started forming on my forehead even though the weather was pretty chilly.

I pinched myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming even though I knew that she was probably real. I tried thinking about what I should do but nothing came to mind.

I wondered if I should call out to my dad, but I quickly dismissed the thought as it probably wouldn't be a very good idea. If she was real and not just a figment of my imagination then she could hurt him or at the very least spook him. And the last thing I wanted was to put Dad in harm's way. Or, most probably like in the movies, she would disappear as soon as he entered my room and he would think that I was making excuses as usual. 

Karan Bisht. 

Instinctively, I looked up at her face as a gentle breeze coming from the window blew away the strands of hair covering her face.

Even though I could only see her eyes, I felt she was beautiful. Because her eyes were very pretty, her iris was a lovely shade of blue with a slight tint of green at the edges. As she stared at me, it felt as if she was looking through my soul. But there was something else, a weird sense of familiarity. Like I'd seen those eyes before.

I was so focused on her eyes that I hadn't even noticed when she moved. Now she was standing halfway across the bed from me. 

A terrifying thought passed through my mind. Maybe her eyes were purposely beautiful so that they could distract people from the immediate danger. Kinda like the light on an angler fish. The comparison seemed a bit too accurate and freaked me out even more.

'Are you a ghost?' I asked.

Yeah, I know it was a stupid question. Don't judge me. At that point, my mind was going numb from fear. So I started blurting out random things. But yeah, that question was probably high up there in the top 10 things to not ask a ghost standing in front of you.

Then something hit me. I hadn't thought about it but this house was pretty old. Older than my father at least. So maybe she was the previous owner of the house and didn't like us trespassing.

'Look, if you want us out of here, I'm sure I can convince my da...'

'I have come to warn you' she said interrupting me.

'Warn me about what?' I asked confused.

'I don't have much time' she said looking out the window. ' You need to be careful tomorrow, they're gonna be coming for you.'

'What do you mean? Who are they? And why will they be coming for me? I haven't done anything!'

'They..' she paused. The room got dead quiet. The floorboards creaked, the wind blew, and the water fountain gurgled. Yet it seemed like time had stopped.

'Sleep' she said.

'Wait!' My eyes started feeling heavy. it felt strange because just a moment ago I had been wide awake. My knees started to buckle and all my muscles seemed to relax. Like the kind of feeling you get after a warm bath at night after a long day.

 'I don't understand what you're trying to say!' I struggled to stay on my feet as she just stood there looking down at me. 'I don't know what to do?!'

' You will. Soon'

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