2. First Day

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I walked through the school's double doors. I headed towards the Head Mistress's office. All eyes were on me, my violet-white hair, grey-black skin, blank white eyes.. I wanted to go to a corner and pull my headphones over my ears. But instead, I kept walking, ever so slightly cowering. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw two monsters staring at me. They both had snow white skin and hair, blue tinted it, as did their finger tips, they had white horns.. Unlike evryone else who looked at me with amazement, they looked at me snidely and rude. That infuriated me. Those looks made them look like they thought I wouldn't make it here. I straightened my spine, threw back my shoulders, and rose my head up, my chin slightly in the air and the lights shining on my dark face. They looked shocked, a tad bit pissed off even. I smirked slightly as they stared at me, slight fury building up on the girl's pale face. The boy, well not so much. He looked more curious than angry. His eyes wandered from my shoes to my hair, when he looked up he met my eyes and smirked. I rolled my eyes, though I don't think it was visible. I kept walking. But only to have the two snowflakes (thats what i called them) walk in front of me. I held back an irritated sigh.

"So, I heard you were new here at Monster High", the girl stared at me with icy white eyes. Though her's were diffrent from mine. You could see her pupils, whereas my eyes looked like it was just the whites.
"Yeah, I'm new, who wants to know?", I hissed, my other personality slightly flashing. The only diffrence between the two, the bad one had red, the pupils were still white, but the iris was red. The boy looked at me strangely as my eyes flickered back to white for a second, I glared at him.

This time, the boy spoke up. His voice was deep, "We are Walker and Wynter, and we're the children of the Windego." He said

The Windego was a powerful somewhat demonic cannibalistic snow creature, somewhat like the abinmable snowman, only more demonic. But still a demon.

"Okay, whatever. Is there a problem in me being here?", I snapped

"There isn't a problem, the only thing I gotta tell you is, if you try to take over my school, I will make your life miserable", she said.

I made a big show of looking around, at the walls, at the celing. "I don't see your name anywhere. Sorry to burst your bubble sweetheart, but this school don't belong to you", I said.

"And who are you supposed to be?" she asked rudely.

I stared at her right in the eye, "I am Luci Deville, daughter of Satan" I said coldly

She looked at me in anger, knowing that my father ruled over her father, and that one day, I probably could rule over her aswell

I heard a few gasps of surprise, and even some murmurs

Everyone was now circled around us, someone screamed "fight!", and suddenly. Within seconds the entire crowd was chanting "fight, fight, fight, fight!". My eyes went back to white in a millisecond. I looked around, slightly scared.. what happened next was kind of a blur. I took my jacket off and opened my ten-foot wing span, slightly pushing everyone away, and with one hard push, I was airborne. I grabbed one of the chandeliers and flipped onto it, crouching slightly, looking like a hawk with black and white wings.

I peered into the crowd, seeing impressed faces, some scared, some even angry. I looked at the snowflake girl's face, her features were contorted in anger. Snowflake boy looked amused. I didn't really care, the look on Wynter's face was enough to make me smile evilly. I think I'm going to somewhat like it here.

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