3. Head Mistress

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After being coaxed down from the chandelier by a kind janitor's gentle words, I finally swooped down to the floor and tucked my wings in. I slipped my earbuds into my pointy ears and walked towards the direction where I think Head Mistress Bloodgood's office was. Once I finally looked up, I realized I was completely lost. I facepalmed so hard, I'm pretty sure it rang out through the hallway. I sighed and tried to look for something that would indicate me to her office. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and came face to face with a mortal. At first this didn't really alarm me, but then I realized that there was a normie was inside monster high.
I slipped out my earbud and gave the boy a questioning glance.
"Errr.. are you lost..?" I questioned the black and blonde haired boy.
"Actually I think you're the one who's lost... y-you're the new girl right?"
I nodded and stuck out my hand for a handshake "yeah, in the new girl. Nice to meet you, I'm Luci Deville, and you are....?"
"Jackson Jekyll"
"Ok.. err.. where is the head mistress' office?", I asked awkwardly
"If you want I can take you, I'm heading there anyhow", he said simply. I nodded, "ok, thanks", I said as we started walking

There was an awkward silence between us for a few seconds as I fiddled with the wire of my earbuds. He decided to break the silence sigh a question.

"So, who are your parents?"
"Satan. Also known as The Devil, or Lucifer, whatever you'd like to call him", I answered simply "yours?"
"Well, my father is Doctor Jekyll, also known as Mr. Hyde" he answered
"Oh, your dad's that guy from the book 'The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde', right?"
"So, you can transform into this other dude but it's as if you're two different people within the same body, only with different features?"
"Honestly, when I read that book I thought it was actually fiction, but then again some people also think that satan isn't real, but here I am, so I guess in a world with monsters, anything can happen", I explained, but then froze slightly realizing that I was probably asking questions that are far too personal, "by the way, sorry, err, if I said anything offensive or personal", I mumbled.

"Oh, it's fine, I don't mind, really", he gave me an awkward smile wich I found rather adorable. I smiled back with my black lips.

We walked upon a big door, wich I guessed leads to head mistress bloodworths office.

He opened the door for me and walked in behind me.

When I saw the sight I almost jumped, her head was sitting on the desk, unattached to her body, then I remembered that her father is the headless horse man

"Ah, Jackson, I see you have escorted the new student here, as a matter of fact, I set her up with the same schedule as you. Luci, I see you've already met Jackson, he will be leading you around and showing you what this school is like", she said, or rather her head said. I don't know..

"Oh, and your dorm number is on your schedule, I made sure to call your father and he said he will have somebody bring your clothes and things here"

"Okay.. thank you..", I said uncertainly and we walked out.

Jackson turned to me and said "Welcome to monster high", and smiled slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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