Chapter 12 - Together

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When they had first returned to the safe house, the only thing on Nicky's mind had been sleeping. He might have slept soundly the previous night, but the last few days had eaten any reserves he had had and then some. Nervous energy was only good for so much. Dealing with Elise and Paul had been the one step too much for him. Thankfully, safe in Joe's arms, he had not dreamed.

When he had woken, Joe had already been awake, still holding him and it had filled him with such love he had wanted nothing more than to get lost in his husband. Looking into Joe's eyes, he had seen the same need coming back at him.

They had decided to shower, since Nicky had literally fallen face first into bed after their excursion and he had wanted to be clean.

The feeling of Joe washing his body was amazing. He was kind of sad to have been so out of it the last time. The soft slide of bubbles and washcloth with the sensation of Joe's hand on top of the material had his nerves humming. He wanted to touch back, but every time he tried, Joe made a small tutting sound and gave him one of those patented looks that stopped him in his tracks.

It said 'let me look after you' without any words at all.

Nicky could deny Joe nothing, never had been able to, especially not now. The last few days had been so stressful, so beyond what even they could have imagined with their long lives and full life histories.

Joe ran the cloth over his chest and down as he leaned against the shower wall. His head thudded against the tiles and his eyes slipped closed as his husband oh so skilfully slid down the crease from his hip, cupping his balls with the warm material. His tiny gasp was involuntary and heartfelt. His nerves lit up and his heart thudded in his chest.

"I was so afraid I would lose you," Joe whispered, leaning in close as he moved his hand back and forth.

Joe kissed him on the side of the neck. He whimpered.

"Even when you came back to me, I was afraid the pain would take you away from me, even as your torment continued," Joe continued. "I always knew you were strong, my Nicolo, but I never imagined."

Nicky had to touch now. He opened his eyes, taking Joe's face in his hands.

"Yusuf, love of my life," he said, looking his husband, lover, other half of his soul directly in the eyes, "the only reason I am strong is you."

As Joe moved in to kiss him, he released all control again, accepting anything and everything. He opened to Joe's lips and tongue, eyes closing again, feeling the connection between them so clearly it almost hurt. In the beginning they had died so many times by each other's hands fighting against the truth that their souls had mixed. Their deaths had come so close together they had never dreamed each other and yet it sometimes felt as if they dreamed each other every day.

When Joe drew back, still cupping and gently fondling him, he opened his eyes once more.

"You are my life, my heart, a part of my soul," Joe told him with the complete sincerity that always made Nicky's heart quicken. "I want to love you, to make love to you, until the heavens crumble - if you will let me."

"Always," he replied, breathless.

Joe smiled at him, kissing him again and stroking his cock, making him gasp against his husband's lips.

"I think I shall make you come," Joe whispered in his ear after letting him breathe, "so I can see you completely undone, before we take this somewhere more comfortable."

He buried his face in Joe's neck, biting his lip and groaning as Joe's skilful fingers stroked him. He was so close. He needed so much that he could feel himself trembling.

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