Broken promises

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"Honey where are you going" my mum says running after me

"Mum I have no time to explain. Just know I'm going to get Kenzie" I reply rushing out the door

"Okay sweetheart just please be careful" she calls out whilst I'm getting into my car.

Kenzies pov - Early this morning

I jolted awake from the sound of the wind crashing against the window and looked to the side to see Liam still peacefully sleeping, damn he really is a deep sleeper I laughed to myself. I looked at the clock next to me to see it was 4.30am and so it was still quite dark outside. I lightly traced my finger over Liam's face, using my thumb to softly brush against his lips, he was such an adorable sleeper with his messy hair and slightly parted mouth. I decided to go downstairs to grab myself a glass of water.

"What the hell is that?" I shrieked and got up from the kitchen stool I was sitting on, to get a closer look.

As I peered out of the window I saw a figure staring back at me, they were wearing all black and had a mask and their hood up and so I couldn't see their face to identify who they were. I was staring right at them and they didn't even budge, just stood still watching me.

Calm down kenz it's fine just go and tell one of Liam's security guards what's going on and they will sort it, I thought to myself as I made my way to the front door.

"Omg" I gasped as I saw one of the men who would usually guard the front laying on the floor unconscious. I knelt down beside him and placed my fingers on his neck, checking for a pulse and thankfully there was one, even though it was slow.

"I need to go get Liam" I say going to turn around to rush up the stairs but as I did I felt something cold and extremely hard hit me round the head to which I felt instant pain and then darkness, nothing but complete and utter darkness as my limp body fell to the ground.

A few hours later

I groaned in pain as I began to wake up, I was tied to a chair with my arms tightly taped together as well as the tape that was covering my mouth. My head was still throbbing from when I was smacked around the head. I looked around to see I was in some kind of warehouse, it was cold and pretty much empty. I started banging my feet on the floor and making as much noise as I could hoping someone would come and to my luck someone did, a guy.

"Now now don't hurt yourself you pretty thing" the guy said approaching me. He was wearing black jeans, a dark grey top and a leather jacket. He had short brown hair and dark coloured skin with the most intense mocha brown eyes, I also noticed he had a gun taped to his side. He approached me and ripped the tape off my mouth.

"Who are you! What do you want from me!" I screamed with tears in my eyes

"Don't worry beautiful it's not you we want but that boyfriend of yours but" he says circling around me and brushing his fingers against my cheek "I wouldn't mind someone as fine as you standing by my side"

"You wish" I spat

"Now now I suggest you be a good girl if you don't want us to hurt you" he smirks

"I don't know who you are! I don't even know how you know Liam"

"Well where should I start" he thinks grabbing a chair and sitting down in front of me

"My name is Caleb, the leader of the gang "the cobras" ever heard of them?" He asks

"N-no" I respond

"I'm surprised, we are one of the biggest gangs here in London. We are constantly on the news"

"Yeah well I was trapped in my bedroom pretty much all my life until recently so I'm ever so sorry if I didn't get the chance to watch the news" I roll my eyes annoyed

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