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It has been days since they've left Adrianople. Right now Sussius was in her room, writing down reports. She needed this reports should she arrive at Fortress World Mars. She didn't bother to turn on the lights in her room, instead she would much rather go to sleep than do anything else after she finishes writing this report as Sussius was tired, Sussius wrote down all she could about the Wiking family in the best and most polished manner she possibly could. She was very much keen to go to bed after spending hours discussing manners with the shipmaster and other key officers aboard the ship, discussing about the prisoners or other subjects that she herself had little to absolutely no interest in, such as politics and Philosophy, two subjects which Sussius couldn't give a damn about. As far as she was concerned, Imperator Sissinius was the only authority and that he had given her orders to go and meet up with him with the Prisoners.

As Sussius finnaly finished writing most of the letter down, she leaned backwards and she yawned. She was tired, her eyes were beginning to close and she had no one to talk to... Usually it would have been her sisters who would entertain her, however since they were Septima only knows where, Sussius just sat there and she leaned back and there she simply stared at the ceiling. She wanted to go to bed so bad, however the thought off what happened to her sisters still plagued her.

The last time she heard anything from them, was during their last mission togheter, when they were about to lead an assault againts a heavily fortified series of trenches in a Kovenant world some years ago. It was on this world that she and her sisters attempted to assault a heavily fortified Kovenant position, a bunker complex bristling with defences and filled with Palantina Guard defenders. She remembered what happened as if it were yesterday. Sussius organised her entire Cohort to assault the facility, only attacking when all other cohorts were assaulting their respective objectives... But the assault all went wrong.

As soon as Sussius and her sisters got within striking distance, the Palantina Guard defenders put up unending resistance, Sussius and her sisters Bettius and Allicium attempted to rally the men and they constantly tried to take it by storm, but the Palantina Guardsmen within absolute refuses to give in so easily. Than the Kovenant Artillery sounded, trapping the entire Cohort and forcing Sussius to try and pull back across the Artillery hell of no man's land... But Bettius and Allicium were struck by an Artillery shell... And now all Sussius had left to remember them by were their broken equipment. A shattered Scutum shield from Bettius and a broken Legionnary helmet from Allicium.

Sussius was still heartbroken at that event. That was the moment she lost her family, lost her blood sisters to the Kovenant. For her, that was the moment she trully hated them for what had happened to her two sisters and now she would not rest until she avenges them, until she avenges all of them.

Just as she stood up and took a deep sigh, she was taken out of her train of thought when she heard a knock on the door and there someone said
"Centurian Sussius, I have some news for you."

At this, Sussius obliged and there she walked over and opened the door. Fortunately for her she was still wearing her full set of Centurian armor and as such she was able to present herself before the Red Scarf marine who was knocking at the door and when she opened it she crossed her arms and said
"Labour I assume?"

The Red Scarf Marine than replied
"Yes Centurian, she's given birth to a child, a boy... It was hard for her considering that she was holding on to the hands of one of my men Tightly." he started
"But in the end, through loud and painful moans and screams she came through all the way... From what I managed to observe she was overjoyed when her son was presented to her and the girl Phoebe said that she'll name him 'Johann' or something of the sort."

"Well atleast she'll look presentable now that she's no longer pregnant." Sussius said
"How's the child doing?"

"We attempted to give her Septima's blessing... But the mother Phoebe absolutely refused the blessing of the Priestess onboard." the marine
"She said that her son Johann is not a Red Scarf and as such, should not be made into a Red  scarf, and she refused to convert herself and her child to the Septimian faith those heretics."

UNDER THE IRON SKY: A STORY OF WAR AND LOVE. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat