I Don't Love You

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-Chester's POV-

"No, no, no! Fuck! Why did I do this?! No! Goddammit!"

The Flux Capacitor was shattered all over the ground.

Pieces everywhere.

Chester failed.

The world was over.

Everyone was gonna die.

And it was all his fault.

(About five minutes earlier)

The truck swerved, almost hitting Chester straight-on. He jumped back, but in the process, the Capacitor slipped out of his arms and hit the pavement.

"What was I thinking?"

He scrambled to the other side of the road and sat on the curb with his head in his hands.

The existence of life was over.

But also, Chester was lost.

No one he knew was around him.

He was all alone in this town.

The anxiety about what was going to happen was eating him up inside.

He didn't know if he'd be able to live with that thought for the rest of his life.

Maybe it should just be over now instead of later.

-Hayley's POV-

"Hey, pretty girl," a stoned teen slurred.

"Have you seen someone about yay high? He had glasses on and short, sorta spiky hair," Hayley said, dismissing the teen.

"Yeah, he turned down our offer of buying us joints."

"Did he have a beanie on?" a girl asked.

"Yeah," Mike answered.

"He went that way," she said, pointing down a dark road through the forest.

"Thank you," Hayley said as she and Mike started down that road.

"Of all the road's Chester could've gone down..." he said half to himself.

"Right...hey look. That looks like a weird mine. Bet that's where he went," she said.

"Yeah, let's go look."

They used flashlights to look around inside the mine. There were new footprints on the dusty ground. The prints led to a big dark room that had definitely been blocked off before, but it was recently opened.

Inside the room, there was a DeLorean. Hayley, being the child she was, had no idea what that was.

"There's a...car in here? How is that possible?" she asked.

"Doesn't matter..." Mike said as he looked inside the car. "What does matter is the inside of this car! Come look!"

Hayley stood next to him and looked in the broken window. "Does that say..."

"'Flux Capacitor!' Chester had to have been here, right? He must've found this place not too long ago and took it. C'mon. We've got to go find him before he does anything else."

"He wouldn't do anything bad with it, right?" she asked.

Mike hesitated before answering. "It's not the Capacitor I'm worried about..."

Hayley stood there, shocked, for a second before they left the mine and tried to get back to the town.

The sound of a highway grabbed their attention, and they followed until they saw the road.

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