Chapter 3: The Warriors of Kyoshi

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Disclaimer: I'm doing this early so I can get them as part of the team early.

It was now morning and time for our next destination. I then kindly woke up Katara with a kiss. I gently shook Sokka then I woke Momo and Appa with food. Once everyone was awake I said, "Morning are you all ready for our next destination?" Sokka said, "Yeah where are we going?"
"Kyoshi Island to recruit the Kyoshi Warriors."
"Are they strong men?"
"They are women and Sokka if you say women can't be warriors must I remind you half of the Avatar lineage contained women?"
"I'll shut up now."
"Good choice now while you guys were sleeping I made all of you gifts."
"Really? Wow that's very kind of you Ryu thanks."
"You're welcome now here they're, for Sokka Water Tribe armor and a mastered crafted sword that is so strong it can cut diamond.

""You're welcome now here they're, for Sokka Water Tribe armor and a mastered crafted sword that is so strong it can cut diamond

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"This is awesome

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"This is awesome."
"Glad you like it next is you Katara I made you these since we're now together." (Necklace Pendant can be placed in the center of the neck thing (don't know what it's called)

" (Necklace Pendant can be placed in the center of the neck thing (don't know what it's called)

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Katara then said, "This is a royal fire nation dress."
"There's something I need to tell you Ozai killed my father's mortal form his spirit still exists but it will take a long time for him to make a new mortal body."
"Wait was your dad?"
"The true king? Yes Ozai took the crown when he killed him." (Changing history to fit me in and make me proper royal not adopted royal)
"I'm so sorry."
"Thank you."
"What did you make for Momo and Appa?"
"For Momo I made you this light armor with retractable claws you just flick your wrists to make them come out, it's so you're protected and can fight." He gave a happy chip. (No picture sorry.) I then said, "For you big guy I made you light armor as well and cannons they're so we can fight enemies in the air. He gave a happy huff. (Again no picture sorry)
Katara then said did you make something for yourself?"
"Yes this."

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