"Under Me."

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"You're all cleared Eli. Take it easy on the head and let the stitches do a healing , and then you can do stupid stuff again." The doctor told Eli as she chuckled. "I'll try my best doc." she waved goodbye as she exited the trainers room and headed down the hallway to meet back up with Matt and Nick.

Though the crowd was shocked at Eli's performance tonight, no one was more surprised than the three men. Marty, Kenny, and Adam couldn't stop talking about the amazing show, especially Eli's performance. "Dude, that was your guys greatest match yet." Adam exclaimed. Nick was rubbing his neck and Matt was icing his back. "I think you three could actually be a trio tag team." Marty shot back which Nick nodded. "What did you think Kenny?" Matt groaned as he took the ice off and walked to sit next to his best friend.

"Honestly- it was amazing. One of the best matches I've seen in a while . It's clear the people loved it- its blowing up on social media- but we all know the real reason why." Kenny went on , "She really made the match special." Matt rolled his eyes, "Cmon, the match was gonna be good anyways-"

"Oh are you guys talking about me?" Eli joined in which made the boys sit up straighter. Matt noticed and gave them a side ways glance. "Actually, yea- well about our match. Everyone loved it." Nick told her which made her smile. "Im glad people enjoyed it. I hope this isn't our last match together-" Eli said. Suddenly an idea popped into Kenny's mind. "Hey ! Why don't you join bullet club ?" Nick's eyed widened and Matt shot his head up so fast it started hurting again. Marty and Adam looked at each other unsure what to say. Eli looked at Kenny, then the rest of the group. "I don't think I can- I don't think I fit your guys faction- plus isn't Aj the leader?" Kenny had totally forgot he didn't make the decisions for Bullet Club- or at least not yet. "I mean - yea he is, but he has talked about how great you were before. Also, you would fit perfectly into Bullet Club. Not as eye candy, but a respected and badass wrestler. " Marty rolled his eyes, "Kenny is right. You should join Bullet Club- New Japan would accept you since you're already a big deal for them." Eli smiled, here she was talking to some of the biggest and most famous independent wrestlers of all time- and they were looking up to her.

Eli looked around the room to see if everyone was on board. She turnt her head and notice Matt fidgeting with one of his tassels on his pants. Eli leaned over and put her hand on his knee making him look into her dark brown eyes. He took in her facial expressions, and softened his face up as he noticed she actually cared about his opinion - He gave her a real and full smile. "I think you would make a perfect fit for bullet club Eli.".

The bunch celebrated making Eli become shy. "Oh crap, we have to get to the meet and greet- come on guys." Nick said noticing the time. "Hey, what about us- how do you guys get Eli to yourselves for an hour." Cole pouted making Eli chuckle. "We will meet you guys at Cracker Barrel in one hour- go do something interesting." Matt replied trying to hurry and end this conversation. "What's a cracker barrel?" Eli asked making all of them look at them with widened eyes. "Uh oh-" she tried to scurry away from the group until Kenny reached out to grab her arm making her stop in her tracks. "Uhm- its not a big deal Eli. We were just shocked to hear you've never heard of it. I will - I mean WE will take you out for dinner. " Kenny and Eli stood like that for a while. Slowly, Eli shook her head up and down giving Kenny a nod- which made Kenny stare at her lips.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KENNY!" Matt cried out pushing past them. Nick sighed and went over to where they were standing. "Lets go Eli, you three we'll meet you there." They said their goodbyes as Nick started walking with Eli. "Gosh your brother is fast walker." Eli tried to joke making Nick crack a smile, "Always has been. He's probably already there."

"Did I say something wrong - it feels like it was my fault for him storming out after he practically gave me his blessing to be a member of Bullet Club." Eli said. "Blessing? I wouldn't call it that- he hates silence- and the little starring contest you had with Kenny probably made him uncomfortable." Nick lied, he knew why his brother ran out he was having 'girl trouble. '

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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