Breathing Exercises

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°*Requested By: Sama_ships

Y'all go follow this person, they have amazing stories ^^


He couldn't do it.
He couldn't handle the pressure.

To stand before a crowd of thousands up front was such a different feeling from just sitting at home, watched by millions of people behind their screens.

It felt calming, it felt safe.

Here, however, it felt strange and terrifying. His cold feet could not handle it all at once.

Being so accustomed to having little social interaction, his speaking abilities did not work in his favor at the moment. He just hoped that there were no questions directed at him.

Techno sat there tensely; looking anywhere and everywhere except for the people that were before him.

Alas, the host of the panel turned to Techno, and with a grin spoke out:
"So, Technoblade! I've heard and seen your skills when it comes to PvP. How do you do it?"

In one swift motion he was gone.



That was all he wanted:

The peaceful and quiet atmosphere of the public comfort room he was currently in despite the faint and distant noises of the crowd outside.

Pulling his legs up to his chest and resting his head on them, he sighed as he sat still inside the stall; eyes glued on the pearly white-tiled flooring.

'This is a relatively clean bathroom.' Techno thought to himself.

He silently groaned, angry at what he just did.
'Congratulations. You are now a certified speedrunner, holding the world record of fastest time to leave the stage.'

Tears began to collect in the corner of his eyes as his breathing turned rapid.
He was having a panic attack inside a public bathroom during a TwitchCon event.

How lovely.

Techno's breathing was ragged, making it much difficult for him to inhale and exhale oxygen normally. Soon, the tears fell. His was buried into his arms as he let out a shakey sob, hoping no one could hear him.

It was soft and inaudible; barely heard but the noise was faint.

Luckily Dream had good hearing.

Or at least I guess he does—

He had excused himself and Techno from the panel, abruptly standing and following the other to where he thought he might be.
He had hoped he would be in here, and he was glad to know his assumptions were correct.
But at the same time, not so much.

With a sigh, he gently called out, "Techno...? Are you here?"

With that, the breathing hitched and stopped. The bathroom once again as silent as it was before.

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