Season 5, Episode 21

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Remember when we were little and we would accidentally bite a kid on the playground? Our teachers would go "say you're sorry.", and you would say it hurt you wouldn't mean it because the stupid kid you bite totally deserved it. But as we get older, making amends isn't so simple. After the playground says are over, you can't just say it, you have to mean it. Of course, when you become a doctor, sorry is not a happy word. It either means "you're dying and i can't help" or it means "this is really gonna hurt." 


As doctors we can't undo our mistakes and we rarely forgive ourselves for them, but it's hazard of the trade. But as human beings, we can always try to do better, to be better, to right or wrong even when it feels irreversible. Of course "I'm sorry" doesn't always cut it, maybe because we use it so many different ways. As a weapon, as an excuse. But when we are really sorry, when we use it right, when we mean it, when our actions say what words never can, when we get it right, "I'm sorry" is perfect. When we get it right, "I'm sorry" is redemption. 

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