Season 7, Episode 4

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Biology determines much of the way we live. From the moment we're born, we know how to breathe and eat. As we grow older, new instincts kick in. We become territorial. We learn to compete. We seek shelter. Most important of all, we reproduce. Sometimes biology can turn on us though. Yeah, biology sucks sometimes. 


Biology says that we are who we are from birth, that our D.N.A. is set in stone, unchangeable. Our D.N.A. doesn't account for all of us though. We're human. Life changes us. We develop new traits, become less territorial. We stop competing. We learn from our mistakes. We face our greatest fears. For better or worse, we find ways to become more than our biology. The risk, of course is that we can change too much to the point we don't recognize ourselves. Finding our way back can be difficult. There's no compass, no map. We just have to close our eyes, take a step, and hope to god we'll get there.

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