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1072 words.
|| mikus pov ||
i woke up to the sun blaring through the curtains and the others groaning. just a basic monday really.
i started getting ready, getting dressed, tieing my pigtails, brushing my teeth. stuff like that.
we all walk together to breakfast so when we've finished getting ready we wait in the hallway just chatting until we can go.
surprisingly i wasn't the last out for once.
|| zoromes pov ||
i walked out to the hallway when i was dressed and saw miku there before me, "woah! ladies and gentlemen it truly is a strange day for us all, Code 390 is out second for the first time ever!"
|| mikus pov ||
i just wanna strangle that boy sometimes, "UGHHH!! SHUT UP YOU SMALL GREMLIN!!!" i yelled at him.
"IM NOT A GREMLIN!!!" he tried to look angry but he looked like a 5-year-old girl.
"quiet with your incessant fighting, it's 7am." mitsuru loudly states from the boys dorm.
we stopped fighting but we just glared at each other.
finally everyone was out and ready so we made our way to the cafeteria.
it was plain oat cereal today, awww. sometimes if we're good enough in battle nana gets us waffles or pancakes. but, i guess not today.
our first lesson today was maths, i really wasn't excited for that. especially because i have to sit with zorome, no matter how much we argue the teacher won't move us apart.
halfway through maths zorome threw a piece of crumpled paper at me, i rolled my eyes at him and un-crumpled it, 'lol.'. that's all it said, 'lol.'. i punched his leg under the table and he yelped, i knew he was faking it.
"excuse me, code 390 and code 666. passing notes is strictly prohibited, the only time you should be passing notes is when a teacher tells you to pass it to someone. if you're going to do something as stupid as that in my classroom, share with the class." the teacher said with a calm, yet angry, face.
"please do tell us what it is that made you hit code 666, i would love to hear it." i hate this teacher so much but i guess i have to tell them, i mean, it's nothing bad.
"it says 'lol.' i'm sorry for something as stupid as that interrupting your class." i stood up while trying my best not to look nervous, but i don't think it worked.
"thank you, 390. if we are finished here, i would like to get back to teaching. if i see you passing notes one more time, it'll be an hour long detention after school. am i clear?"
we both nodded and i sat down. he sat there trying not to laugh but i could see his cheeks puffing up and his face going pink. "you're such an obnoxious brat, i hate you!" i whisper-shouted at him.
||zoromes pov||
for some reason those words hurt me, i knew she didn't really mean it. i hope.
"i love you too" i said with a fake smile and my hands in a heart shape. she just groaned and copied what was on the board at the front, i guess i should as well.
||time skip||
||mikus pov||
after class i packed away and started making my way to our next class, history, when i felt a hand tap my shoulder. "hello- oh, it's you. what do you want zorome" i turned round to see a nervous zorome but i decided not to point it out.
"hi m-miku, i just came to ask you something..." he said while stuttering and mumbling, like a small child telling their parent they broke something.
"i was w-wondering if you maybe wanna..." i was seriously scared now, is he okay? "... g-go to the field w-with me after school?"
"you do know that's where we go after school anyway, right?" i watched his face go blank and quickly turn bright red. "but sure, i'll go with you. i mean, there's not much else to do anyway"
"see you there, princess" he winked and ran away, he knows how much i hate being called that! i decided i would hit him after school instead of chasing him around.
||time skip to after school||
||zoromes pov||
i waited outside the classroom for miku to exit, she sure was taking her time.
when she finally emerged, she looked exhausted. i wanted to ask her if she was okay but i think she'd be a bit creeped out.
"you finally made it out alive, you don't look like it though" i said while pointing at the bags under her eyes.
"ugh!! i'm leaving, come with me if you want" she said angrily but i just smiled and nodded.
after a couple minutes we made it to the field, the only other person here was kokoro tending to her flowers.
we found an empty area of grass that was hidden, not sure why though.
they stayed there for a couple hours and the sun started setting, like a scene out of s vintage film.
||zoromes pov||
as the sun was setting and blaring directly in my eyes, i heard a faint snoring sound. aw, she's cute when she's not screaming. wait- what am i saying? she's always ugly!
while i was convincing myself miku wasn't cute, i felt a light thump on my shoulder.
my heart started racing, god she's cute. i'm not gonna try deny it anymore, i love miku.
||no ones pov||
an hour or so passed and the sun had set almost completely, there was still a tinge of yellow far away.
he decided to pick her up and take her to the dorm rooms.
he didn't want to wake her up, can you imagine the screaming?
when he got there everyone was asking him questions, he decided to ignore them and place miku on her bed and go to sleep. that was the original plan, until hiro and gorō asked him questions about what happened.
zorome told them nothing interesting happened, they found a spot to sit on, talked for a couple minutes, watched the sun set in a comfortable silence until miku started snoring, her head fell onto his shoulder and he carried her back.
when they had finished talking at around midnight, mitsuru turned the lamp off and they all went to sleep.
except zorome.

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