#4 //Dinner//

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So I made my homework for the weekend all I needed to do was some thing for history but I needed tog et ready for that dinner. This is gone be so awkward. I just took a white blouse with black jeans and my olive green shoes. I did my hair in a ponytail, like always. I got my phone and my keys and just waited in my living room till it was time. I will just try to be sweet to him but if he's gone say something that happend I will change the subject. Yes that's how am going to do it, I though to myself. Then I saw to the clock and it was time. Why did my mom always need to work late. I locked our door and went to theirs. I dint bring a jacket because, yeah theirs my neighbors but it was quit cold. I slowly knocked on the door and Tasha opened, Thomas' mother. "Hey sweetie. It's been so long. You've grown so tall and even prettier." She said while she hugged me. It was like a few years since we spoke thats why I was chocked for the invite all off the sudden. "Hey miss Sangster. Thank you for the invite." "Oh thank Thomas, it was his idea." "Thomas' idea?" "Yeah he said you mom always worked late, so he offered that you would come to dinner to catch up and all. But come in, come in." I stepped on the house and it wasn't different. It looked the same as 5 years ago, somethings are new or moved but it looked mostly the same. I looked around and then I heard that familiar voice. "Hey."  He hugged me. Phew. I hugged back just to be nice because his mom was still in the room. I putted a smile but I think Thomas notice it was forced, but Tasha didn't so that was all it mattered for me. Then I saw mark "hey mister Sangster." I hugged him two. "Hey long time no seen." "Yeah." I chuckled. Then I heard the familiar scream of Ava, Thomas' sister. We are not best friends but if we seen each other we are always happy. She hugged me so tight I couldn't breath. "Ava.....A human need to breath to hug back." "Right" she laughed and hugged me less tighter so I could hug back. "Let's get this dinner started!" Tasha said. We all wakke din to the dinning room Ava and I sat next to each other, mark sat on a tip next to Ava, Tasha sat on the other side of mark over Ava. So Thomas sat over me. Yeah... I just knew that he was glancing over at me the whole dinner at I just tried to NOT look at him sometimes I had to if he talked but then I mostly looked at my plate. Then out off the sudden Tasha ask something while I drank off my water. "So hunny, you got a boyfriend?" I chocked on my water and I saw Ava smirking. When I looked up I saw Thomas looking straight into my eyes, I quickly looked away to Tasha. "Uhm no.. but I don't need one, I just want to focus on my grades."  " Thomas. do you have a girlfriend? you never speak off one." Ava quickly asked him. "No Ava, do you got a boyfriend?" Thomas asked annoyed." "Maybe..." Ava giggled Then Tasha and Ava talked further op about her maybe. I felt so awkward I looked at my plate till dinner was done. I helped Tasha clean up the table as a thank you, she said I didn't have to but I insisted. As we did the dishes she began to talk again about love.  Didn't got a boyfriend right?" "Yeah.." "well you heard Thomas say he's single, and I know you two always loved each other." "Love is a big word, and a lot has changed." Then I heard Ava by the door frame coming helping while Tasha went to take other plates in the dinning room. "You wanna know a secret about mister bad boy?" " what?"  "A secret." "Uhm I don't think he would like tha-" "He's still a virgin." She tried to whisper but she didn't. "Wait wha- really?" Ava looked behind me. "Yeah. I wanna wait for the right person, and not some one night stand." I looked around and saw Thomas standing in the door frame now. He looked at me and then at Ava. "Seriously?" "Well not like I care, and if it's that important to keep your bad boy act up I won't tell anybody." I said looking down and doing the dishes. Thomas looked a little angry at Ava. "I couldn't help it. You k is what I said a minute ago Thomas you-" Thomas cut Ava off. "Ava not here." "Is there another secret?" I asked smirking at Ava. "Actually yes there is. Thomas-" "Ava!" Thomas. It Ava off again. "Fine!" Ava walked past Thomas hitting his shoulder with hers. I smirked. "Does Tommy has a big secret?" "I didn't hear that name in a long time." He said while walking to me and helping me doing the dishes. "We didn't talk in a long time." I said cold. "We did." "We didn't." "We did." "Oh like you  wanted my homework or when I needed to move my  'ass' so you could walk even when you could walk past me?" "And when I needed that answer for that test." He chuckled. "Yeah.. so funny." I said sarcastically. "Look am sorry that I act like...uh." He thought about a word but I knew wich word was the best. "A dick?" "Yes, a dick. I'm sorry I act like a dick. But you know I got bullied because off my baby face, and know, if am a bad boy, girls think it's hot." "Do you know I stood up for you then. And what do you care if you don't want a one night stand?" "So people notice me. I wanted to be notice from some girl for a few years, but I kinda screwed it. And I got into it." "Ashely? Don't worry after a week she will be back. Prom is next week if you just ask her in front off the whole school she need to say yes because the whole school sees it, and she will be so flattered that she will say yes. *oh Thomas your so sweet. Yes. Yesss.*" I mocked Ashley. "And then she will jump in your arms, so good luck." Thomas laughed. "She would do that, yeah... But it's not Ashley." "Another cheerleader? Auch. Ashely wouldn't like that." I said chuckling. "Wich one? Molly? O no it's Stephanie isn't it." I tried to guess. "It's not a cheerleader." "That's new for mister bad boy. Who?" "What?" "Who is it?" He laughed. "I'm not gonna tell you." "Fine then not."  We did the dishes further in silence but after a few seconds he spoke again. "So... with who are you going to prom?" I laughed "like I'm going." "What. Why not?" " A) I don't have a dress. B) I don't want to wear a dress. C) I don't have a date. D) I don't want a date. E) I don't want to be with friend who don't have a date either and then get drunk for one night stands. F) To much drama. G) I just want to sit alone with my mom and my cat, with popcorn a stupid movie like romantiek, funny or Disney. But my mom is not gonna be home. Anyway, Are that good reasons?" "Pretty much. But if you don't want to wear a dress what then?" " I don't know, a trouser suit or something but doesn't matter I'm not going." "What if-" Thomas got cut off by his mother. "What if we go for a ice cream?" Tasha said happy. "Yes pleas." Ava came from behind Tasha. So we went outside for ice cream.

//I don't know but this kinda feels like shit// anyway let me know what you think.//

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