#5 //Sweet Ice Cream//

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We walked to an ice cream stand. We all ordered ice cream, I got raspberry and mango (don't judge. These are MY fav) Mark and Tasha even shared their ice cream together. It was so cute, I kept staring. We all sat on a E-bench but without the little part from the E. After a minute Ava saw something and their parents needed to go with her. Ava always tried to get us together but I'm positive that it wouldn't work now, it anymore. So there we sat alone. "Wich flavor you got?" He asked trying to break the awkward silence. "Raspberry and mango. You?" "I got chocolate and vanilla." "Pff boring." I said. "What?" He said trying to act offended. "Vanilla and chocolate are the basics off the basics. Like you can find vanilla and chocolate in the supermarket in a bucket but you can't just buy mango or raspberry ice cream in a normal super market, or I think any market. Or like see it like this: vanilla and chocolate get the most attention the other flavors want attention to and sometimes they are even yummier than the basics." After I finished my little speech he just chuckled. "What?" "It's just how you see everything. You let me see the world in a different way." "Oh that was WAY to cheesy." I laughed. "Shut up." He said slightly hitting my arm. "Then you didn't need to say that." "Well I meant it. And I felt like I needed to say that." "Do you feel this?" I said while scooping his chocolate ice cream with my index finger and putting it on his nose. I laughed a little. "Oh no you didn't." "Yes I did-" he scooped my red raspberry ice cream and putted on my lips trying to do it like lipstick but he failed. "Normally you don't need make-up to be pretty, but wow." He joked. I kinda blushed by the fact he called me pretty without make up but I brushed it off with putting my ice cream in his face ( to his mouth ) he putted his ice cream in my face also. We just joked and laughed and it was fun because it felt like I got my best friend back. After we cleaned our faces with tissues and strange but his parents and his sister still weren't back. He still got something off ice cream in the corner off his mouth "You still got something there." He tried but he couldn't get it and I maybe felt a little to comfortable after we played with ice cream, so I went a little closer and scooped it away with my thumb still chuckling. I wiped the ice cream on my thumb on my tissue and when I looked up he looked a little more serious, a little more focused. I opened my mouth to say something but then he did something I never expected. He grabbed my cheek gently and crashed his lips onto mine, and I don't know why but I kissed him back. The first hand still on my cheek as his other hand got up my back, rubbing gently up and down. My hand was on his chest as my other hand was in his hair. God I've always wanted to slight my hands up in his fluffy dirty sandy blonde hair, messing it all up. He leaned forwards, that made me lean backwards. My back was almost laying on the bench but his hands on my back held me up. He was so gently. It kinda turned into a make-out. That moment I knew I liked him. But what was I to him. Was I some hook up, was he caught up in the moment or did he like me two. After a few minutes somebody coughed, we quickly broke away, made ourself tidier like his hair. Then we looked up and saw Ava smirking. Oh no. "You two are SOOO lucky it's me and not mum. She would freak out, in a good way but still." She sat next to me and shoved me against Thomas. I almost fell but Thomas quickly grabbed me by my shoulders. A little in shocked I looked up at his face, we almost kissed again but I remembered Ava was there. I quickly sit better and just stare informer off me, not knowing what to say. I mean I think I always loved the Thomas who was my best friend and maybe the bad boy thing was just an act. "Soo... you going to prom together?" Ava broke the silence. "I'm going to throw this away." I said quickly, I stood up and while I walked to the garbage bin I placed my finger on my lips still thinking that I'm in a daydream.

Thomas POV
I felt her thumb on the corner off my lips but still on my lips. And then that talk about prom earlier this day, it was her I wanted to go with. I couldn't help myself anymore. I crashed my lips on her my hand as gently as I could, pulling her to me. My other hand went on her back also for pulling her to me. I wanted her to know I loved her, when I was young , in the 5 years we we'er separated, and now. She kissed back, one off her hands on my chest as her other went in my hair. Slighting her hand through my hair it felt so good, it drove me crazy. Then Ava was there coughing to get our attention. When y/n tidier herself, I glanced at Ava who stood there smirking. I looked at her with an annoyed face while I tidier my hair, as much as I wanted to leave it messy, my parents would be back and ask me what happend and I didn't want to explain. Not that I'm a shamed but my mum... i isn't want to talk about it. The. Ava just told us how 'lucky' we are that it was her and not mum. I mean she is not wrong but Ava isn't much better because she sat next to y/n and shoved her to me, al sit making her fall. I quickly took her by her arms keeping her up, but when she looked up with her beautiful y/e/c , we almost kissed again till we knew Ava was still there. She was going to kiss me back so maybe she felt the same I did. Then Ava broke the silence again. "Soo... you going to prom together?" I knew Y/n said she didn't want to but I hoped she would say yes after our kiss but she just said she would throw away her tissue, trying to avoid that question. Amp a looked confused and worried at me. "She doesn't want to go because she doesn't want to wear a dress, she lie,s trouser suit tho but she just want to sit at home with her cat and her mum, even if her mom isn't going to be there." I explained. She slapped the back off my head. "Auch." "You idiot, look I will buy her a pretty white trouser suit, we gonna buy a matching suit for you, and you are going to ask her to prom you stupid." She whispered yelled. "But how would I ask her. I don't think she would like all the attention off the school on her and when will I get her alone?" I asked her. She thought for a few moments and then her face lit up. "In her house, you lay flowers all the way from the front door till her room when she open it there will be flowers, chocolate and then her new trouser suit that I will lay there so you can be surprised when you see her? Uh uh is that good or good?" "It's perfect. Thank you Ava."

//so this was part 5//hope you like it//let me know what you think//part 6 will be up soon//

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