My Story:Part 1

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Mr. Desai congratulations You and your wife are blessed with a baby girl!

After hearing this Words your father was on cloud Nine.You know what he did Aarya ?He started jumping in the hospital he was overwhelmed when you were born. I was lying on the hospital bed in the maternity room. And you were kept in a Cradle. When he came in he saw you.You were so fragile my baby whenever someone touched you,you turned like a red tomato.You had dark black eyes and small curly hairs on your head.You were so fair with tiny hands and legs.
I have told this to you right, When your photograph was seen by my relatives they said that you look like goddesses Durga.Your father picked you up in his hands and I could see tears of happiness falling from his eyes. He held you near his chest and said, "My princess is so pretty, I will protect her with my life and will never let her suffer".He then looked at me and said, " I am telling you kadambari, She will make us proud one day! "
That moment in the hospital We promised each other that We will Care for you and will always protect you from every evil. Your big brother Ashwin,he was so delighted to see you he said that you were his fairy and he will look after you always.
But today I think we all failed to protect you my child. I have broken my promise. You Can blame me for whatever you want but please forgive me. I was wrong I could never feel what you were going through but today when I have to listen to all your problems you are here sleeping like this. My heart hurt to see you like that Aarya. Please wakeup and mommy will make it alright. Please wakeup!

Aarya had tried to commit suicide by jumping from the 4th floor of her apartment.

She is diagnosed with having multiple fractures in her hand and legs. She is also diagnosed with Intracranial hematoma this is a head injury which causes bleeding under the skull in the brain that forms a clot due to falling. Doctors said she is in a critical state. And Chances of her getting fine are not so satisfactory but they are trying their level best.

This incident is confirmed as a suicide by the police officers because in her apartment Aarya had left a note behind stating the reason of her suicide she is lucky enough to be alive still. Because her note had left everyone to question themselves. The revelation that came to light through this note had left everyone speechless.

"What kadambari gave birth to a girl.? , that's not acceptable , who is going to raise that sin future if she do something slutty with a boy who will take the responsibility I'm telling you she will leave the name of our family in ruins.. I really can't trust this girl with that"

This words were of Aarya's grandfather. They were so inappropriate right?But still Grandma agreed with what Grandpa said.

Helo everyone so this is me Aarya, as you all saw after I was born it was only my parents who were genuinely happy.. On the other hand a baby who had entered this world just a few hours ago is declared as a vamp.

And yes, I was treated as a sin of course by my grandparents and the relatives. So my father had 2 brothers he was the youngest of them all. The rest of my uncles have a pair of boys each . In the family of Desai's I was only a girl child. My Aunties always taunted my mother to have a girl child from her belly. My mother never minded them and said "God doesn't gift a girl child to everyone, you need to have a great fortune for raising a girl, 'kanyadan' isn't in everyone's destiny". And then my aunties shut their mouths.. But at my mother's back they laugh at her because for them girl is a burden who causes great shame to the family. I had 4 cousins and 1 big brother who always protected me from my 3 cousin brothers. Because they all used to bully me and being a quiet child I always cried in a place where nobody could see me. My brother Ashwin was there for me always wiping my tears and giving me Orange candies. One of my cousin brother named Ankit used to pity me. He was the one after my real brother who was good to me. He was almost same to my age. When we were little we used to play hide and seek in our huge 'Wada' (manor). Just the both of us ..My brother Ashwin was 6 years older than me. So he used to be with father looking after the matters outside house he was just learning then. But my boredom was gone whenever ankit used to play with me. He used to care for me like a real brother. He had tied a 'jhula' (swing) at the backyard of our 'wada. I used to sit on the swing and he used to help me swing by pushing me from the back. Whenever we both played we used to be scared because Anikt's mom was furious when she saw him with me. Also grandpa didn't like me playing with him. But we played secretly.

My grandma always taunted my mom for teaching me household work.I was barely 7 ..But my mom never forced me to do it and encouraged me for studying.
Grandpa was of the opinion that I shouldn't study and must look in house chores but my dad my hero fought for me and convinced grandpa for my studies. My dad he was my Superman always came to my rescue.

It was a schedule, Every evening my grandpa used to take my all brothers for a evening walk. I was never invited though. I used to sit by the stairs of our entrance and keep looking at grandpa and my brothers going for a walk everyday in that mild sunlight. I was envious of not being a boy. When my brothers be back at home their pockets used to be full with candy and chocolate bars. But grandpa never brought anything for me. Never mind my brother and Ankit used to share with me the stuff.
But I missed going out walking on the brown soil with green grass in that setting yellow sun.
One day, I was there sitting by the door as usual looking at my grandpa and brothers walking. My father noticed the sadness on my face. And he at that very instance took me out for walking. I held my father's hand and walked on that brown soil I removed my slippers and could feel the cold green grass at the top of the soil. My Dad whom I called Baba took me on shoulders and we used to enjoy the scenery.
We lived in a small village in Maval district, the beauty we see when the sun is setting is such a treat. I saw bird flocks getting back to their nest. I saw people with cow and Buffaloes taking them back at house. I saw the river flowing which was so beautiful. I saw a duck with her ducklings. Her ducklings were so adorable, she was teaching her ducklings to swim that was a sight to watch. The ducklings were afraid to go in the water directly they were holding their mommy. And their mommy was caring for them and encouraging them to not be afraid.When seeing that I remembered my own parents who were so caring and supportive to me. My Baba used to be busy everyday but on weekends he never forgets to take me out for walk.
That was the best time I had with my Baba. That are only some blur memories I remember I had with him.

I really wish I Could go back to that black day and reverse time and save my Baba.
If he had my back now. I might have not ended the way I'm today.

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