Unexpected:Part 3

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I was standing there in front of my Baba's corpse .I was silent completely silent I still don't remember what was I thinking at that moment every thing was blacked out I was just standing there . ankit was holding me. He was saying something to me but his words didn't fell on my ears. I was in a different world then.
I can see I'm at home studying and my baba came back home from his duty. It's evening and after watching him come home I'm getting up and going to the kitchen to make some tea for him. He only liked the tea I made. He has changed to his causal clothes and is wearing a kurta and pyjama. He went out to sit in his chair which is kept in the balcony. I'm going out taking the tea for him. My mom is sitting on the chair next to him. He took the tea cup from me and drank one sip. Then he tauntingly is staying to my mom, "you must learn to make tea from Aaru, her tea tastes divine" And saying this we all are giggling.

This flashback got tears in my eyes. I could see him smile at me he looked so happy. I still couldn't make out it's a dream or reality.
But this wasn't a dream this was a horrible nightmare which no daughter wants to see in her entire life.
I was back to my senses when my Grandma arrived at the crematory. She came walking at me directly and within seconds she hit me hard on my face. Ankit tried to stop her but she couldn't be controlled by anyone. Everybody at the crematory was looking at the scene created. I was standing there with my eyes down. My brother was preparing for the final rites of my baba and my mom was not conscious except kishore uncle and ankit I didn't have anybody who could save me.
My grandma just came and hold me with both her hands. Her hands were shivering but they have got enough strength to crush my bones in pieces. I was afraid of her and didn't utter a single word. I looked at my Baba's face who was sleeping on the woods. I was just waiting for my baba to get up and save me like he always did. But today he wasn't getting up. I just kept looking at him with tears flowing from my eyes.
My grandma was cursing me really bad.
She said, "You wench you killed my son whom I carried In my womb for 9 months. Because of you he left his family. Why didn't you die instead of my son. I told kamal a thousand times this girl is a jinx but he never listened. Now see what you have done to him. I'll never forgive you.!"
Saying this she started strangling my neck.I was loosing my breath but trust me I felt I must end right here with my baba. I didn't had any will to live now and I didn't resisted her even for one second. Ankit intervened in between and I was free. I fell on the ground and was breathless. I saw
Kavya running to me with a bottle of water in her hand. She came to me and gave me some water. Everything was blur in front of my eyes. Ankit kept asking me if I was ok. I wasn't able to speak I just nodded my head and they both helped me to get back on my feet.  Kishore uncle took my grandma back at a place to sit .
I couldn't see my grandpa anywhere. I asked ankit, "where is grandpa? "
On that he replied, "He didn't wanted to come "
I was sad hearing this.. which father in this world doesn't arrive at his own son's funeral.? But my grandpa was a strict person who was very particular about this Words. When we left the house he clearly said to my baba that if he ever took a step outside of this wada my grandpa Would never accept us. . Even so my baba moved out with us..
The time came when I was going to say a final goodbye to my baba. I went near him. I was afraid to even take one step closer to him. I was afraid I'm loosing him. With my every step towards him I was thinking about how will I live after him? I won't be able to see him again ever? All things had messed up my head. I gathered all my Courage to give my baba a final goodbye.
I looked at him and said, Baba you know I'm not strong without you. You know I won't be able to face this world without you. You were my protector. I wanted you to be proud because of me. I was a bad daughter always have encircled you with problems. I have to say sorry I couldn't be a good daughter. You have done so much for me but still was I selfish baba I wanted you to stay by my side always. Your daughter was strong because of you now that you are no more with me I'm not strong anymore. Why didn't you take me with you. Why did you leave me alone? Why!.
My brother came and held me he said, aaru say a final goodbye to baba now, it's time he must leave. We hugged each other and started crying really bad. For the last time I and brother saw father and soon more sticks were kept above him covering him entirely. My brother was given a pot with water which had a hole and he was encircling baba with the water falling on ground with each step he took. My mom she couldn't get up she just saw everything like a dead body. Soon baba was in between the fire flames. Gone forever!
It was a awful situation I had no life. I was thinking what am I going to do now. Soon another news came when a  man from our village came to tell us that my grandpa is no more. Everyone was shocked. We rushed to our Wada at village. I was scared to death it was something I never imagined but while I was taking steps to go at the first floor where was my grandparents bedroom. As soon as I entered there I fell on the ground. It was my grandpa who was hanging in the air. With a cloth tied around his neck. He Committed a suicide. His eyes were wide open who I felt were looking at me angrily. I could feel his wrath. I was so scared seeing that sight that I got myself up and went running down at the backyard of our wada. I sat there and held my head in both my hands. I cried terribly. What's wrong? Why is this happening to me?
Though my grandpa never loved me I always acted to him fairly. I never disrespected him and was concerned about him.

One day I was playing alone with my mud utensils. My aunts and mom were busy in the kitchen making afternoon lunch. My uncle and dad were off to work. And my all brothers were off to swimming. It was a bright day. And I was busy in my own world, it was only then when I heard something falling from my grandpa's room. I wanted to know what happened but I was not allowed to enter his room at the Corner of first floor. Again I heard something falling. Now I  couldn't just sit there idly and do nothing. I tried to call out for my mother and aunts but no one heard me. I then gathered up courage and rushed towards his room. I opened the door a little and peeped inside. I saw grandpa was not looking well.. With both hands he pressed at his chest I could see him in pain. He was unconscious because when I went in the room he mistook me as my grandma he said, " My heart is aching call some one ". I realized this matter was serious. I rushed from his room and came running down stairs. I went in the Kitchen and said mom rush to grandpa's room now.. And just saying this with bare foots in that steaming sun I was running on the road looking for the doctor. I was so fast that I covered the distance to doctor's home in 10 minutes.. I told him, " Doc please come with me my grandpa is in pain "
We both headed to our house on the way back I saw my brothers, the asked me what happened  was so breathless that I just said grandpa! I was so anxious they saw my face and doc with me they realized something had happened and they took the doc and rushed back at home.
This news was spread all over the village and went in the ear of my baba and uncle. They rushed back home in no time. Doctor checked grandpa,he gave him some injection and then he said us to quickly shift him to the near by hospital. The hospital was far in the city. Quickly my uncle prepared a car and took him to the hospital. He was kept in the ICU but very soon he was out of danger.
All my family was overjoyed that grandpa was fine now.
I was relived, I was sitting outside my grandpa's hospital room, when baba saw my foot.
My foot was swollen with Buries and small tone inside. My baba took me to take care of my wounds. He asked me how was I hurt I said, nothing baba!
He smiled at me and said, "you are Baba's brave princesses you must be kind always like you are now "
When my grandpa came back at home he thanked my brother's for saving his life, Ashwin tries to said that it was me who bought the doc but his word were cut off by grandma.
I was Standing there in a corner of room. I was just relieved that he was fine.

But today seeing his body hanging in his room. I couldn't bear seeing that sight. I just sat there at the backyard thinking why grandpa took his life.
In a single day I lost my baba and grandpa. What's wrong with my life.?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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