My Major loss:Part 2

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I was 14 then, when I successfully passed my SSC examination. I secured A merit and was the highest scorer in my family till date. It was a joyous occasion my parents very extremely happy but my grandpa he doesn't look happy at all after the results that night my Baba was called by my grandpa. My Baba went to his room.

Grandpa said, "kamal you and your wife must be very happy right now, but I warn you not to send your girl for further studies "
Baba asked, "Why shouldn't we let her study further Dada(my baba called his  father Dada), Shashtri Sir, Aarya's class teacher meet me today and he said you're daughter have a promising future. And you are saying we shouldn't let her study further.?
Grandpa replied, " You are just concentrating on your daughter Kishor's son have failed the examination and that is because of your daughter. I told Kishor not to enroll Ankit and your daughter in the same class she is such a jinx! "
My baba was now angry he said, "Dada how come Aarya is responsible for Ankit's failure? She always told at home that ankit doesn't pay Attention at school he also bunked the class. Don't you know this thing that Ankit has to learn music he is not good with academics. You can't blame my daughter like that. And also I can't accept this reason to not let my daughter study further. She is dedicated to be  a lawyer.
Grandpa was now extremely furious, " He said, your daughter if she went further in college she will take our family name to ruin. What if she gets in an affair with a boy and bring shame to our family will you take the responsibility.? I have even heard it from Rakesh(son of my eldest uncle) that she keeps talking with boys especially that boy Arun! "
It was an end to my father's anger he said, "Dada how could you talk so rubbish about your own grand daughter, I've seen it since she was born you treat her so unfairly but I never complained because I know you have problem with girls but isn't Aai (Mother) a women too. And today you have crossed the limits talking so vulgar about my daughter. I can't tolerate this anymore I will take my family to live elsewhere now we can't leave in this house.! "

And that day we packed all Our things to leave the house. My grandma was continuously crying and convincing my Baba to stay but my Baba he didn't listen to anyone. My grandma kept cursing me that it's because of me she is separated from  her son. I kept crying, everyone was present there my uncle aunty cousins. Ankit was crying seeing me go. Only Ankit's father kishor uncle tried to calm down my baba. But he too failed and left. My grandpa he didn't even come out to see us leaving.

My dad had looked for a house in a different city. As we were travelling that day at night in a taxi I asked my mom, "Mom is it because of me we left our house, I didn't do anything, I also don't want baba to get separated from grandma, I'm sacred mom grandma will come for me and again give burns on my hand, I really didn't do anything"
My mom said, "You silly child, so the burns on your hand was given by your grandma why didn't tell this thing to me right then, Why you keep quite and suffer"

So this incident happened when I was 5 years old, it was Diwali that day, I was dressed in a cute salwar kurti my dad bought for me. I still remember that dress it was petty red and golden in color I held my  kurti in both my tiny hands and was running into our yard in front of our house. I was busy watching at the sky. The fireworks were so beautiful the lights of the fireworks had brighten up the sky.
Everyone was inside the house doing ' 'pooja'(worship) of goddess Laxmi.
My baba wasn't home that day he was somewhere out for work. I was missing him. The 'laxmi' of their house was not invited for 'laxmi pujan'. It was quite a irony that my elders worshiped a female Deity but I wasn't allowed to enter the huge temple room from the times of our ancestors. My mom she was sad as I wasn't allowed by my grandpa. But she couldn't defy my grandpa's order. So she kept quite. But my brother, Ashwin he felt that it was not right so he came to call me after the pooja.
He said, "Aaru, the pooja is ended come to the temple and take Blessings".
I was only allowed to come in the temple when my baba is at home otherwise I wasn't allowed to go there. So I was scared to go but my brother he hold my hand and took me there.
He said, "ok aaru so pray here, and take blessings"
My grandpa called for my brother, he said aaru get out of here once you done praying ok. I'll go to see grandpa.

I was praying there when Suddenly my grandma entered the temple, She kept looking at me with her two big eyes. I could feel her anger. She came closer and smiled at me I was perplexed for a second I was very scared .
She then said, "so our princess wants to worship goddess laxmi is it.? " Such a good child you are. She then brought the 'diya'(lamp) near me she kept looking at me and I was standing there shivering. In a moment she took my right hand and placed it on that lamp. It was burning really bad I was in pain. I kept apologizing her that I won't enter the temple ever. She then put the lamp back and catched my cheeks In both hands. She very angrily said, "if you ever dared to enter this temple I'll burn you alive, you got it now get lost from here you impure soul" She also threatened me that if I say about this incident to anyone she won't spare me.

I rushed out from there and came at the backyard of my home. It was burning very bad, I was crying bitterly, but I can't say this to anyone. Because it will only incite harmony of our house. I was so little back then but was fully aware of my house. I lived there very cautiously in baba's absence.

When my mom saw the burn she asked me how did this happen I lied to her and told her I was ignorant while burning crackers and burned my hand with a diya. She said, you are so careless Aaru. And applied medicine on my burn.


My mom  held my hands and looked at them with teary eyes, she kissed my burn marks and said,
"What else did you hide from us.? "
Why you are like that child. You shouldn't be that afraid. We are here with you and nobody can harm you. I know you didn't do anything wrong stop blaming yourself. "

We shifted to our new house, It was a beautiful house though it was small than our earlier home . I was at peace here, I wasn't restricted there, I could do what I want to. Our house had a garden at the backyard. I use to plant flowers there and take care of them. When the butterflies used to sit on the flowers I used to be amazed by their beauty. My big brother has moved to other state as he was pursuing I was left alone with mom. I missed Ashwin.I couldn't make friends easily as the seed of fear was sown in my heart form my childhood.I lacked communication skills. But I wasn't a young girl. I was mature. It wasn't like I have to be but the circumstances have made me mature. Because of this I became very quite and didn't had much friends in the neighborhood. But eventually it is said that an introvert is found by an extrovert and I soon found one .Her name was Kavya. She lives near to my house leaving 4 houses.

My father enrolled me in a nearby high school. Kavya was also in the same high school with me. So we went together everyday.

It was a day when I wasn't feeling good at the high school. I had fever a day back but still I insisted going to high school. So I went in my classroom as usual. But as soon as I entered I fainted. Our high school miss called my father and he came in school to take me back home
He said, "I told you princess you are not well and you must rest, but you don't listen do you? "
I said, "sorry baba, I'll listen to you now".
He pat on him back and said never mind let's go home.

He had a scooty, which was a very old model of Honda company. I sat with him and we started to go back at home. On the way I was telling baba that I wanted to eat ice cream he was making me understand that I was having fever and I can't eat ice cream he said I'll buy you one when you will get fine. I said promise me you will. He said have I ever broke your promise aaru.?

And just then, a truck came towards us and we meet an accident.

I remember I woke up in a hospital and looked at my self i wasn't that hurt but I saw my mom was beside me crying I said mom where is baba.?what happened.?And she said he left us aaru! Baba is no more!
I was thunderstruck, I cried terribly in grief.! And after that I fainted!

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