My Story

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Here's a rant about all the shit I've been through. Most of it was probably my fault, but I'm going through PTSD and I want to vent.

Person 1
I dated this girl out of pure peer pressure. I was gay and it really hurt me. I couldn't take it anymore and left her, which ended up with me being stalked for two years.

Person 2
This guy has a longer story. We started out as close friends (I thought we did anyway), but then decided to start dating at a party. It didn't last long and we went back to being friends about a week after. I cared heavily for this guy, with my entire being. I thought he was family. His parents even took me in for about a year because my family sucks.
After a while, he started to ignore me more and more. I had no one else besides him and his friends. So I did things for attention (which I regret). Self harm. Fatal suicide attempt. And more. They didn't even blink an eye to see if I was okay.
Then on a random day, he kicked me to the curb. He hold me he hated me. He insulted me. Called me insane. And soon after, all the people I called friends followed him and did the same. He was just..using me....

Person 3
This is another girl. I was close friends with her for a few years before she decided she wanted to date me. Her parents and my parents pushed us together. Even though I was COMPLETELY GAY.
A few months into it and I was spending so much money on this girl. I couldn't leave her without getting hurt. Then..she started to get sexual.
I didn't want this. At all. I'm still relatively young and I hated feeling like I was weak. She made me touch her. She touched me. And I couldn't leave the situation ever without her framing me for something I didn't do..anyone would believe the small light skinned girl over the tall dark guy. At least thats how people around us saw it

•Honorable Mentions•
My main group of "friends" a few months ago would beat and degrade me in school. Some of them helped my ex sexually harass me. They would have me pay for everything. They would use my allergic reactions and phobias to get a good laugh out of me.

This isn't explained in good detail but I'm tired and sad..

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