Loving Then

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I was tasted and wasted,
Used and abused,
Deceived but believed you,
Thinking all you said rang true,
How stupid was I to think it was you who would help me recover?
I loved you more than my own mother,
I trusted you more than blood,
And I was there for you,
You fell, we fell,
You rose, we rose,
But, I was still less to you than your "hoes",

Long distance wasn't fun,
It hardly is for anyone,
I thought I'd see how strong you'd be,
But the love wasn't enough for you to hold on to me,
You wanted to leave me because we couldn't see?
Clearly, for you it was easy,
You found a new girl, who is she?
"Don't worry about her", you once told me,
"I'll love you until the death of me."
"You're beautiful, just the way you are."
"Your're all I want and need."
Still can't believe I listened to all the bullshit you would feed.
What's worst is that you still control,
My mind, my heart, and my crippling soul,
I can never see you the same again,
But I know inside you'll beg for me,
And we'll be right were we were back then.


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