"Fireworks Festival 2/2"

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His eyes went to your lips, he looked back up at your eyes.

You felt his soft lips onto yours, you grew red. He opened his eyes looking at your reaction, he quickly pulled away.

"S-sorry..I should've asked first.." He said facing back to the moon.

Turning to him, you cup his face with your hands and place your lips onto his.

His eyes widen.

The lights of the fireworks reflected onto both of your faces as you both kissed.

You both pulled back smiling at each other, "You had no idea how long I've wanted to do that.." He said then pulling you into a hug.

"I really like you Y/n..from the first day you walked into the class, to now." He confesses, "I really like you too Suga.." You say hugging him tightly.

"Be my girlfriend?" He asks pulling out a rose, "Where did you get that?" You ask laughing. "A magician never reveal his secrets." He said handing you the rose, you gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Does that answer your question?"

"Yes, yes it does.." He said putting a arm around your shoulder.

"Oooooh? What is this I see~?" Daichi asks as you and Suga walked up to the van, hand in hand. "Shut up Daichi." Suga said rolling his eyes, "Y/N WAS TAKEN FROM US!!" Nishinoya cried.

"NO NOYA WE STILL HAVE KIYOKO!" Tanaka said wiping Noya's tears, "RIGHT!" Noya says then getting on the van.

"I'm proud of you Suga, now we don't have to listen to you rambling about Y/n." Asahi says patting him on the back, "Oh? You talk about me?" You tease. "O-oh well..yea.."

"Don't worry, I think it's cute." You said kissing his cheek then getting in van.
(At your place)

"Goodnight princess.." He said kissing your hand before letting go. "Night Suga." Then closing the door behind you.

You went to your room then squealed.

EEEEEEE I HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOW! AND IT'S SUGAWARA!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS? IS THIS A DREAM? You thought before pinching yourself. IT ISN'TTTT! Then danced around your room.
(Next day)

You sat in class bored as always, "Class today we have a new student, you may enter." The teacher announced. The door opened showing a beautiful girl with smooth brown hair.

"Hello, I'm Bella I hope we can all get along." She said bowing to the class. You could hear the boys whisper and the girls laughing.

"You can have a seat in front of Y/n." The teacher pointed your way, you raise a hand and she walks over to you. "Nice to meet you y/n." She bows, "You too."

"Y/n, do you want to come over after practice?" Suga asks, "Sure!" You answer grabbing your bag.

"What practice?" Bella asks turning around, "Oh we have volleyball practice." You explain. "Why are you practicing with the boys if there's a girl's team?" Bella asks.

"W-well..I don't actually plan being on a team I just practice for fun, or help out the managers." You felt a weird vibe from her but shook it off.
"Sounds like you're just asking for attention." She said giving you a dirty look.

"I don't mean to-"

"She's nothing like that, we'll be on our way now." Suga interrupts then grabbing you hand pulling you out of the classroom.

"Are you okay..?" You ask him, "I'm fine." You could tell he wasn't but decided to leave him alone.

"Y/n, what's up with Suga..?" Daichi asks, "Some girl was being rude to me and I guess he got mad.." You explained.

"Oh okay I thought it was something serious." He chuckled.

"Here." You hand a towel to Suga, "Thanks." He then wipe the sweat.

"Ready to go?" He asks, you nod and grab your bags.

You guys watched a few movies in silence, "I should head home, it's late and we have school tomorrow." You said getting up but felt something holding you back.

"Spend the night here." Suga says.

Author's note~
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
See you in the next one! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


His smile (Sugawara x Reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now