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Buzz buzz

Buzz buzz

Who the hell was calling me at this time?

Buzz buzz

Buzz buzz

I groaned loudly and rolled over and picked up my phone from the bedside table. As I looked at the brightly lit screen I saw Harry's adorable face pop up and his contact name, along with decline or accept. I frowned in confusion but clicked accept anyway, whilst rubbing my eyes and sitting up in bed.

H: "Hi baby..."

Y/N: "Harry-"

H: "I know! It's 2am for you and it's 3am for me but I really wanted to call you."

Y/N: "What's up?"

I couldn't help but smile at the screen as I saw his messy hair and tired face.

H: "I just really miss you and I wanted to hear your voice and see your pretty face before I went to sleep. I tried sleeping but I can't..."

His deep, raspy and whiny voice melted my heart because it was also laced with a soft tone and he sounded like a lost toddler.

Y/N: "Aww Haz, you're too adorable. You can call me, it's okay. You're the ONLY exception."

He smiled widely and I giggled slightly. He knew I hated being woken up really early or in the middle of the night, but for him I made an exception.

H: "Sorry again for waking you."

Y/N: "Seriously, don't worry about it. I'm missing you like crazy."

H: "Tell me about it! I haven't had sex in a month!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed and I saw him smirk.

H: "I'm kidding! I really do miss your soft kisses and the cuddles you give me and your pasta and your soft voice and angel face."

I blushed a lot and put a hand over my face.

H: "Noooo! I wanna see you face!"

I slowly removed my hand and his face lit up, he was just too cute. How does he do it?

Y/N: "You're so cute Harry. I really do love you."

H: "I love you too as well."

I opened my mouth to say something but Harry suddenly had his phone snatched out of his hands and his face was replaced by Louis's face.

Lo: "It's always you keeping him up at night then waking up the rest of us."

I hung my head in shame because I felt quite guilty.

Lo: "I'm kidding love. But seriously though, Harry won't stop talking about you. He said he's going to take you on so many fancy dates and cuddle you and kiss you so much when he gets back."

H: "Talk about ruining a surprise!"

Lo: "Should I also tell her how you go off to the toilet sometimes and wank to the thought of her riding you or her giving you a blowjob or handjob?"

H: "Louis she can hear you!"

Lo: "Or what about the amount of times you've completely zoned out because you're thinking of her and Paul has to go over choreography again?"

H: "I could literally break you right now."

Y/N: "Louis-"

Lo: "Or what about the amount of times we've come back to you in a complete mess because you've been crying so much and you won't talk to us? Or what about the times you've busted up your knuckles because you've punched something?"

I stayed completely silent and just stared at the screen and Harry stayed completely silent.

Lo: "I let myself get carried away, I'm-"

H: "Just hand me the phone Louis."

Lo: "Harry I'm so sorry-"

H: "Just hand me the phone!"

Louis mumbled a barley audible 'bye' to me and then handed the phone back to Harry.

H: "Before you say anything, it doesn't happen often and sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me. I never mean to do it and I want to talk to you about it but I was always too scared..."

Y/N: "You should never be scared to talk to me. I'll always listen to you and give you all of my love and support. I hate knowing that you're crying so much and I can't give you a hug and tell you it's gonna be okay, I'm so sorry."

Harry sighed and he flashed me a smile.

H: "It's not your fault at all so you don't have to apologise. I promise you that from now on instead of keeping it all bottled up inside of me I'll talk to you."

I sighed with relief and mentally thanked myself. I couldn't have Harry crying a lot and then punching things out of frustration and not talking to me.

Y/N: "Thank you baby, I'm always here for you."

H: "I know...hey! Look on the bright side, I get to see you in one week!"

Y/N: "I know! I'm so excited to see you."

H: "Me too, I'm going to sing you to sleep whilst cuddling you."

Y/N: "That is something I've really missed..."

Me and Harry then both yawned at the same time and stared at each other for a few seconds before laughing quietly.

H+Y/N: "Go to sleep."

When we said that in unison it caused us to laugh again.

H: "Okay, you go first."

Y/N: "I was gonna say go to sleep because we're both tired now and you need your sleep."

H: "I was gonna say go to sleep because you need your sleep and we've clearly made each other tired."

Y/N: "I hope you sleep well Haz, I love you so much."

H: "Sleep well angel, I love you too."

We both kissed the camera at the same time, like we always do, and then I hung up and put my phone back on charge and contently drifted off to sleep.


currently thinking about the fact that harry probably texts certain people frequently to check up on them and people actually get to just be living their life and then suddenly look at their phone and see that HARRY STYLES is calling them on facetime :)

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